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Opinions of Saturday, 3 February 2018

Columnist: Cosmos Kofi

Headteachers, your cups are now full

The Eduman headteacher at the heart of the 'kitchen stool' sextape The Eduman headteacher at the heart of the 'kitchen stool' sextape

Ghanaians woke up on Friday morning (January 19, 2018) to watch a very, disturbing, shameful and disgraceful video which circulated on social media like wild fire in Harmattan . In the video was the head teacher of Edumanu D/A Basic school disgracefully having intercourse with a student. The lady in the said video is seen kneeling on kitchen stool with her hands on the ground while this headteacher is standing behind her with his pants, down to his knee level thrusting his manhood back and forth in her. The headteacher is also seen positioning and repositioning the recording device for a better view of his face and the whole shots. This head teacher, without an iota of shame and respect for himself and his profession recorded this video for over 4 minutes. And by the grace of God the video got leaked in to the public domain.

Now, my worry is the way and manner the various teacher Unions in Ghana and Headteachers are tight lipped over this video. The only thing, that one of them(GNAT) has come to say is to debunk the assertion that the lady in question is not 17 years but 20 years. Is this not even more shameful? Even if the lady was your wife, would you have recorded your sexual encounters with her? The lady still remains a student for crying out loud. And it seems to me that the various Unions and head teachers are not so much surprised with the video. They are not disturbed about their integrity and dignity being dragged in the gutters by one of their own. Does this mean that this practice is normal in the field and in our schools for that matter? Your silence concerning this video has exposed your hideous character.

Somewhere last year in the Greater Accra, when teachers were beaten in one of the basic schools, there were a myriad of press conferences and demonstrations. But now, a colleague, and head teacher for that matter has beaten your very integrity and dignity to a pulp, and all that GNAT could do was to debunk the age of the And the rest of the Unions remain quiet like a little boy caught red- handed stealing meat from his mum's soup. Your cups are now full. What message is your silence conveying to the public and students? Well, let me tell you, your silence is telling all well-meaning Ghanaians that your cups are now full to the brim. And by now I am certain that, you are calling yourselves and cursing Mr Sepey for his careless act.

You wish he should not have recorded the video. Well, he shamefully did. And your hideous act has fallen under the lights. Your silence simply means, that is what you have been doing to these innocent and vulnerable students who have been placed under your training. Is that what the head teachers are training their staff to do to these students? Just last Thursday(January 25, 2018), MyJoyonline news reported, that an allegation has been levelled against the male teachers of Ejisuman SHS of sexually harassing the female students. Why are some teachers and Headteachers sexually feasting on their students? I fear for mother Ghana. And why is everyone silent about this serious issue ? These teachers and so called headteachers are abusing and infusing immorality in the hearts of our students and everyone seems OK. Some people are even making fun of the issue on Social media. Trending it the as *the Kitchen stool challenge*. Your children and Sisters in the schools are just not safe.

No wonder seven students were seen in a video gang raping a girl in Bantama in Kumasi. No wonder over thousand school going teenage girls were impregnated in the central region during last academic year. Only God knows what will happen in the coming days now that the head teachers, who are supposed to know better, have started videoing their shameful sexual bouts with their students. Did I just say started? I doubt it has now begun, their shameful acts are just spilling over. And just like the way you will shame a student in class for misbehaving, I shame you all for remaining silent, I shame you all for condoning this abominable disgraceful act with your silence. I shame you all for dragging the dignity and integrity of this noble profession e Korle Gono gutters, I shame you all for stooping so low. You have really sunk deep into the gutters.

Aren't teachers supposed to be role models, teaching good from evil, aren't they supposed to be molders of good and responsible characters, aren't they revered men and women in the society of which the Society look up to them to instill discipline and build self-esteem and respect in our young ones, Aren't they supposed to be holding the light for these little ones to walk in this dark world. What are you now? Will you have the moral right to punish or counsel two students engaging in sex right under your nose? I bet you will rather vacate your rooms for them to continue and later fetch water for them to bath and bid them heartwarming goodbye.

Aren’t you ashamed of yourselves? This video is shameful, disgraceful and too hideous. The head teacher has sunk too deep into the depth of the ditch. Keep on remaining silent over pertinent moral issues in our various schools. Protect your colleagues and use your office and long investigative processes (I doubt it is even done) to make these matters trivial.

Soon, these ugly and immoral acts will be done on your tables in the classrooms and on your couch by your children in your houses.
I wish I can borrow all the voices of all well-meaning Ghanaians and scream on top of my voice. SHAME ON YOU... SHAME ON YOU for not condemning this hideous act.
He, who the cap fits, let him wear it.
I am a teacher and I feel very ashamed.

Thank you.