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Opinions of Thursday, 12 July 2018

Columnist: Joel Savage

Health Minister Kweku Agyemang Manu, I don't agree with you

Mr. Kweku Agyemang Manu Mr. Kweku Agyemang Manu

Reference: ModernGhana article captioned “Health Minister Warns; Don't Go To Korle Bu With Headaches, Stomach Upsets”

Mr. Kweku Agyemang Manu, if you are the Health Minister in Ghana, then you are completely wrong to tell Ghanaians seeking treatments of ailments such as headache and stomach upsets not to visit the Korle-Bu hospital because your opinion suggests that such common ailments can be treated at home and, therefore not necessary to go to Korle-Bu Hospital.

Dear Health Minister, I wonder if you know how serious your statement is. In Africa, since everything which is not possible in Europe and America is possible, you will keep your job after making such an insignificant statement. However, if it is Europe or America, you will lose your job for making such a statement.

If you have studied hard in the medical field to be a health minister, you must know that it is right to consult the right medical institution if one has a headache or stomach upsets. Why? Because the treatment of a headache depends on the type and severity of a headache. It's due to the fact that many don't have time to go to the hospital with such problems the reason they choose self-medication but it is a very bad habit.

It is only a medical doctor that could examine the patient to know if he or she has other issues leading to a headache or the stomach upset. In Ghana, many people resort to self-medication because they think it is a common headache or stomach upset but later that headache or stomach upset can develop into serious complications.

You are asking Ghanaians with common stomach upsets not to visit the Korle-Bu Hospital. Do you know that common stomach upset is associated with serious ailments such as Rotavirus? The virus easily spread causing inflammation in the stomach and intestines and can cause severe diarrhea and vomiting.

So if a Ghanaian has Rotavirus, leading to the stomach upset, how will he know without visiting a qualified doctor at the Korle-Bu Hospital? Mr. Health Minister, from every angle you have broken the medical code of safety and putting the lives of Ghanaians in danger.

You are now acting like a bad farmer quarreling with his tools. Your inefficiency has resulted in poor administration at the Korle-Bu Hospital, and now you are shifting the blame poor Ghanaians seeking medical treatment at the hospital.

I will remind every Ghanaian leader that in Ghana there are foreign embassies which have their nationals serving in our country, therefore, they must always be alert to avoid being a laughing stock in our country where there British and American diplomats.