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Opinions of Thursday, 23 October 2008

Columnist: Hiatsi, Dzifah

Health Status, Professor Mills

; Bank Account, President Kufour VooDoo Child

(By Dzifah Hiatsi)

We heard Professor Mills was unfit to occupy the new presidential palace

Acting to malign the opponent or prove one¢s guilt, it is a rat race by President Kuffuor¢s detractors and himself to outdo each other.

We heard Professor Mills was unfit to occupy the new presidential palace and would not be able to gallivant all over the world in a presidential jet hunting for investors and pocketing per diem. Maybe the president did not say those exact words but for a president of a country to drop a bomb on the health status of another statesman attempting to succeed him sure meant more than just a a national security issue.

The storm from President Kuffour¢ statements had not settled when the First Citizen of Ghana was himself accused of something only former Zairean President Mobutu Seseko had attempted and succeeded, being a sitting African billionaire head of state. Billionaire in American dollars, not Zimbabwean dollars. Remember how that former president of now Dr. Congo had more than 5 billion dollars in his personal account while his country owed that much to its debtors? Coincidence or stupidity, Maybe both.

The professor made it clear to Kofi Annan

Back to Professor Mills, he was reportedly drinking only water when people were cutting and tossing tots (shots) and quarters of akpets, while others were cracking beer bottles at an event for former UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan. The thing is, some medications just do not see eye to eye with alcohol and you could be dispatched prematurely to the land of the forefathers for mixing say aspiring with agiman, a.k.a Alombo bitters, Ginseng and Mandingo Bitters.

So, making his doctor proud the presidential candidate must be, people thought. But the professor made it clear to Kofi Annan that his health was not an issue and he was not on any medication. Agya Mills insisted that common aspirin which is known to be a life saver for at risk of stroke people was not even on his list, as he went at length to prove his innocence; his physical abilities to man the throne once held by both his idols, Kwame Nkrumah and the living one.

That was classic Mills, the man who shut his two families up by proving his manhood with his wife¢s understanding a long time ago. This potential First Lady to be must be commended for her strength and acceptance. But the other move by the professor to prove his readiness for the high office was intriguing. Gye Namye Concord editor , Ogbame was forced to take a crash course in human anatomy to examine Professor Mills. Candidate Mills took his clothes off to prove to the editor that no white African doctor used a knife on him as alleged. Luckily, there were witnesses present to prevent any accusations and counter accusations of gay advances after that male body inspection. If only a tenth of African politicians would provide proof of their innocence as Professor Mills demonstrated, songs like Africa Money by Sidney could be ear piercing.

We the NDC did not say that

The "people" however must have been fuming, seeing all these unfolding about their presidential candidate. They prepared a package of their own and delivered it, "President Kufour was once a billionaire" they yelled. This serious accusation was allowed to marinate until a threat from the colonial mansion "jolted" Hannah Tetteh. "We did not say that and yes the accusation was political but we the NDC did not say that even though it came from Victor Smith the former spokesman of our founder and leader." True, but if shots were fired from a building, that building takes centre stage too with the person who fired the shotsabi?

President Kufuor¢s quick move to prove his innocence by issuing a 14 day ultimatum supported by his chief investigative journalist, Kweku Baako junior was at first baffling. An order to his accusers to prove his guilt or else.... Why not take action now? Yet, all those who thought Victor Smith should start prepping himself to meet Justice Abban, then off course a meeting with Tsatsu Tsikata at Nsawam, got an added spice to the matter. Well dodged, the man implied. " I have evidence but I do not have evidence and I will say it but I will not tell." Said differently but that kind of no talk could only be deciphered by VooDoo Child.

Phones bugged, debugged and rebugged

It is difficult to determine which of the accusations is more serious. The health status of a man who could possibly become president or the changing bank account of a sitting president. No one should expect the president to take Attah Millss route and start revealing his bank statements and assets. That is a national security issue but expect the 14 day ultimatum to be the ultimate days of suspense in Ghana¢s history.

That day, Ghana would say Akwaaba 14th day and the country could enter the Guinness Books of Records as having produced a sitting billionaire president or not. One thing for sure, people are busily having sleepless nights trying to make things right behind the scenes. Be it making sure medications and diet regiments are adhered to, accounts balanced properly, sources interviewed and reinterviewed, phones bugged, debugged and rebugged, snooping on conversations, begging for extension and mercy and making fervent phone calls. VooDoo Child and you, we wait.

Dzifah Hiatsi Worcester, Massachusetts