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Opinions of Saturday, 7 August 2010

Columnist: Appiah, Nana Kusi

Hello To NPP Delegates

I am privileged to have the opportunity to reach you with this address in advance of the crucial 7th of August 2010 Election.

This is an addendum to my open letter to you last week. I am not in anyway trying to assume the air of importance neither do I have any pretensions of a status of a sage. However, I deem it prudent as a citizen of Ghana and an admirer of NPP to prepare the minds and hearts of each one of you before the election begins.

It would be recalled that during the days of nominations and secondments in the districts and regions, the party went through a period of bitter attacks and counter attacks. The whole thing was like mating elephants. This was done at a very high level with screaming and yelling. It took many months to produce result of five perfect aspiring flag bearers. I short listed three: Mr Alan Kyeremateng (Alan Cash), Mr Isaac Osei, and Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo Ado.

I am sure you have set up your minds in readiness to pick and choose who you consider as the right one. But let me once again impress upon you and prick your conscience to enable you to challenge your allegiance to the great party NPP.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is not uncommon that at conferences such as this, a lot happens, but not much to write home about.

It is in this regard that I wrote some few days ago about the clear choice for the NPP flagbearership elections.

I made the following the assertions:

1) Mr Alan Cash – a very popular candidate. But with all his popularity, handsomeness, his joviality, approachability and sagacity, he is not a National figure and therefore not ready for the presidency.

2) Mr Isaac Osei – The most popular Ghana’s High Commissioner of UK since Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s era. He put Mr Kwasi Armah of the Nkrumah era into shade. Isaac was loved by all Ghanaians regardless of their Political affiliation. He created Ghanaian atmosphere just as the current High Commissioner is trying to do in the UK. But I say of Mr Osei, he has not made himself known nationally though he was the Chief Executive of the Ghana Cocoa Board. Again Isaac is not ready for the presidency.

3) The third candidate is Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo Addo. This is the candidate who comes across as a National electable candidate. Before I go through his profile I would like you to revisit the result of the last Presidential Election. Nana Addo was only beaten at the tape by a centimetre. He was infact the winner at the first round but defeated during round off for a simple tiny Regional awareness attributed to the effect below:

Nana is popular locally, a district hero and a national statesman. Please back him to win the general election for NPP and forward ever for Ghana.

It is no coincidence; on the second of August just five days to the Flagbearer election a local Ghanaian Radio Station conducted phone in election and the result confirmed my analysis. Out of 108 voters, two of the five candidates had no vote at all. The remaining three candidates had as follows:

MR Isaac Osei - 1

Mr Alan Cash - 30

Nana Akufo-Addo – 75

Please, please, please You cannot buy experience but you can count on it,

This is my concern

Thank you.

Nana Dr Kusi Appiah Osraman II