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Opinions of Thursday, 28 January 2016

Columnist: Dabbousi, Fabi

Hey You Daily Gutter Post – Nana Addo Is Clean

By Fadi Dabbousi
It is highly disgusting, unethical, and by all means immoral that some parasites that have clung on to our society as a cancerous growth would lie shamelessly through their teeth. Having made a life out of hurting good people, they descend to such an extreme abyss of filth and faecal demeanour as to mock the demise of their fellow nationals.
The issue of death is where the red line is drawn. The pain of losing a loved wife after so many years of oneness is the worst dilemma a loving husband could go through. Chasing after love and losing it is more painful than anyone could imagine. In fact, most men would prefer to die if they could make their loved one(s) live on, but, alas, the ordinance of death is not transferable.
I am equally disappointed in the NMC for not bringing some media houses to order for the licentious pejoration of facts spewed in the public domain. A baseless most vexatious story was featured in the Daily post of the 27th January 2016 that sought to malign Hon Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, by falsely accusing him of being behind the death of his late wife in 1993. Under the circumstances, it is important to note that charges were never pressed against this humble man in this regard because his wife died a normal death, unlike President John Evans Atta Mills. There was not even so much as an accusation on record that he might have fought to clear his name of. The Daily Post seems to have foolishly gotten itself entangled in a contemptible web of arrogance, insipidity, and fustian blindness. Their article was nothing short of a futile attempt to defame him by non-entities posing as journalists. Journalism comes with ethics and when that holy requirement is thrown to the dogs, it becomes hogwash gibberish. In fact, when the media descends that low it is referred to as “Pedia” – prostitute media.

Unfortunately, snippets of information that we have indicate that Asuma Banda, who was recently chastised for his defamatory rhetoric against Akufo-Addo, is said to be the main suspect behind this story. That was his flaccid attempt at regaining a bit of his shattered ego, as alleged. We are chiming the alarm bells that if any such empty story is repeated, we will uncover Asuma Banda’s mother-of-all-scandals in no merciful terms.

We are holding our horses, fellas, hoping that we wouldn’t have to churn out a tsunami of articles to expose the murkiness of the waters that are precariously lapping at your ugly feet. Daily Post, be warned that it will not only apply to your shamed financier, Alhaji Banda, but to your operations too. After all, it has been confirmed by many that you operate from the premises of Asuma Banda at Osu. You will be fed the can of worms that you have opened, believe me!

Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo is like gold, the more he is struck the brighter he glows.