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Opinions of Friday, 8 October 2021

Columnist: Charles Yeboah

Highlife is alive: Nana Ampadu is immortalised

Highlife legend, Nana Ampadu Highlife legend, Nana Ampadu

Africa indeed is the home of storytelling, and over the years the Ghanaian Highlife has been the medium to amplify this beautiful part of African culture and traditions.

In the entertainment industry, herein Ghana, like my native Goka people say: you can't tie a knot without the thumb, Nana Kwame Ampadu is the eminent storyteller of all time who has impacted greatly many music lovers with his witty narrations that cut across all situations in life.

In my last publication eulogising the Highlife maestro on his painful exit to the dark world of his ancestors, I had proffered the institutionalisation of the legend for today's generation and posterity to benefit from.

For Nana Ampadu is a well of wisdom that should be protected from drought.

It's been, therefore, an oasis of joy when I heard in the Radio Ghana prime news this evening (6th October 2021) that the widely patronised 'Highlife is Alive' show on the same network with its fans led by the ace actor David Dontoh is opening a sound story library in honour of the legendary Nana Ampadu.

This they announced when the Club's members visited the family of the fallen hero.

This should be the small beginning to the sea of honours that Ghanaians ought to bestow on the indestructible name and legacy of the Nwomtofoɔhene (the king of musicians).

In the age of social media, the beautiful Ghanaian culture of telling Ananse stories is endangered, and going into extinction.
The old guards of these philosophical oral narrations are dwindling in their numbers even more so with the influx of subcultures in the music genre that has virtually roped in the younger generation to distraction.

Thanks be to God that we still have the likes of Agya Koo Nimo, Oboɔba JA Adofo, Amakye Dede, Daddy Lumba, and other renowned living players in the industry to be mentors and maintain pristine our prestigious Highlife genre. But such gains will still elude us if a museum to document their works is not thought of fast.

GBC and the patrons of the 'Highlife is Alive' show deserve our commendation for its thoughtful leadership. They've indeed lived up to their billing and still deserve the unchallenged accolade of _Authentic voice of the nation._

The space is still vast and accommodating. The state and the government in power will make a mockery of themselves in the eyes of those of us who worship Nana Ampadu and his acts if they let a Fan Club outdo them in the race of paying courtesies to the timeless artistry of unarguably the Highlife legend of all time.

Highlife is alive !!!

Nana Ampadu is alive !!!