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Opinions of Monday, 2 May 2022

Columnist: Osagyefo Youth Movement

History enriches, defines the experience of man

Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah

In commemorating the 50th death anniversary of the great Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah, we want to dedicate this message to the blessed memory of Venerable Amen Abbass, the founder of the Osagyefo Youth Movement.

We find it deem fit and appropriate to remember Venerable Amen Abbass on this occasion for his distinctive role in rekindling the “light” Osagyefo lit, with the formation of the Osagyefo Youth Movement. We applaud him for his dedication to the Pan Africanist cause. It is unfortunate he died in a neo-colonialist state or country - an unpleasant situation he detested most.

In the history of African emancipation, there is a countless number of great sadness that can never be forgotten by any true African. One of such incidents is the overthrow of the government under the leadership of Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah.

Deducing from what has been stated, it should dawn on the Youth of Africa the undeniable fact that, the policies of African governments after the overthrow of the government of Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah, do not inure to the prosperity and comfort of the people of Africa.

Rather, the policies of present-day African governments depress further, the conditions of the poor in society. Thus the tendency of what we call material and social progress has not improved the conditions of the poor in the essentials of “Healthy, Happy, Human Life”, which the revolutionary government of the Osagyefo sought to establish for Africans with the slogan “Work and Happiness”.

As a result, the natural belief system of “Community, Empathy, and Compassion” i.e. high moral values which are the backbone of the African spiritual and cultural heritage has eluded us.

It is unfortunate that, we (Africans) honor Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah in name and in form. We set up his statues and sing his praises. But as Africans, we have not fully appreciated the Osagyefo and what he stood for i.e. the true emancipation of the Africans.

Although colonization doesn’t exist today in terms of physical ownership of countries – the mentality of the Western world in relation to Africa is still colonial.

It is upon this that the Osagyefo Youth Movement is appealing to the Youth of Africa, to seek knowledge in the order of “Nkrumanism” as an instrument of Africa’s emancipation and integrity.

The Osagyefo Youth Movement makes the appeal from the perspective of the Nkrumaist development philosophy, which we believe is the most relevant and efficient for the achievement of Africa’s development aspirations. It is the only development policy guideline that is founded on the history of Africa.

Nkrumanism carries the weight of the world on its shoulders as far as the solutions to Africa’s economic development issues are concerned. Nkrumanism enjoins Africans to let our philosophy find its weapons in the environment and living conditions of Africans.

The sacred truth is that the present-day Youth of Africa have not come to terms with our destiny as a people. We have not developed a sense of appreciation of who we are and what legacy we have to uphold.

The youth of present-day Africa must be told that “Nkrumanism” is the condenser of the world - Remember his world without bomb speech. Nkrumanismas a development philosophy is as vital today as it was the day on which it was revealed.

The message of “Nkrumanism” is eternal – for all times! This message rings down through the ages as an inspiration and pathway for the stumbling feet of the oppressed of the world.

It is important for the African Youth to know and understand that the principles embedded in the development philosophy of the African Personality concept viz Nkrumanism”, still hold water.

The purpose of the Osagyefo Youth Movement in the current dispensation is the search for creative solutions to the perennial problems afflicting Africans, especially the Youth.

The OYM, therefore, entreats the Youth of Africa to unite and pay attention to the revival of the “Soul Inspiring, Humanly Comforting and Life Saving” philosophy of Nkrumanism, which is Pan Africanism.

For, in Nkrumaism lies the salvation, development, and prosperity of Africa!