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Opinions of Thursday, 20 March 2014

Columnist: Quaye, Stephen A.

“Hmmm, miss me yet” Akufo Addo asks Ghanaians


By: Stephen A. Quaye.

The favourability of the New Patriotic Party NPP 2012 presidential candidate Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo to lead the party come 2016 general elections has sky rocked.

With majority of the party executives, party members and ordinary Ghanaians in the streets expressing positive feelings toward the two times presidential candidate clearly indicates that the man would be the obvious choice for 2016 presidential elections in Ghana.

Although the gentleman will surely make a declaration today as to whether he will contest the NPP presidential primary to be elected as the flag bearer for 2016 elections or not, the signs are clearly written on the wall that he will be the obvious choice for 2016 general elections.

Nana Akufo Addo’s favourability rating as one can do the calculations for him and Ops a senior journalist Ben Ephson has already predicted can be said to be higher than his unfavourability rating as party faithful so far have expressed more positive opinion of the NPP presidential hopeful.

Since the landmark ruling by Justice William Atugubah’s Supreme Court that President John Dramani Mahama, was duly elected as it was challenged by the NPP, some people described Akufo Addo’s leave from politics as “Quitting politics for good”.

However after his six months vacation in London, United Kingdom and subsequent return to the country, all can honestly say that Nana Akufo Addo’s favourability rating has been increasing day after day.

One will realize that the numbers from his favourability rating starkly contrast to the ratings he had whiles he was away and NDC hawks descended on him all to create confusion among patriots of the great elephant party NPP.

And just upon his return to Ghana, few days ago, the majority of the eligible voters have started to express their positive opinion of him making his favourability to soar up.

Just after the stories started coming in with accompanying pictures from all the media via the internet, an NDC friend of my frankly told me “we have a president who is out of public support, out of ideas looking at the way the public criticizes everything he does especially the incessant increases in prices of fuel”.

My friend who for security reasons I will not disclose his name here further said,” this is a fail presidency, one of the most troublesome in Ghana’s history probably”.

Look at the country side; it appears that the harsh feelings for Nana Akufo Addo before 2012 general elections have become largely forgotten, as negative opinions are shifting to president Mahamah and his “NDC BETTER GHANA AGENDA” hawks.

Some Ghanaians in the diaspora who have strong commitment for the country have described president John Dramani Mahama’s actions as far as heading the country is concern as “worse than anything ex-president Jerry John Rawlings and late-president Atta Mills did” referencing the monthly price increases in petroleum products, corruption in state institutions and his “DUM SOR, DUM SOR” hydro electric power shedding menace.

While president Mahama is taking the heat for the unnecessary fuel price increases, corruption in state institutions and “DUM SOR, DUM SOR” problems, Nana Akufo Addo is touring the country awaking patriotic citizens to assess the NDC government and make an inform choice come 2016.

It is still not clear whether the 2012 presidential candidate of the NPP will contest the party’s presidential primary to lead the party in general elections come 2016.

But obviously, watching events unfolding since he hit the ground running as he toured some selected regions and delegates calling on him upon his arrival in the country, one will not need an octopus prediction to believe that Nana Akufo Addo will contest the presidency come 2016.

Hmmm, listen to his speech, watch the crowd following him, is Nana Akufo Addo’s favourability not soaring to tell all that Ghanaians miss him yet?
