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Opinions of Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Columnist: Edem Koku Edem

Hold your balls vandal Mahama

Opinion Opinion

Dear Vandal Mahama,

Greetings in the name of Father Bacchus, the god of the VANDAL City, the only City within a City that is more powerful than Rome, and the Center of Power in all it's forms

To whom much is given, much is expected from and he who the gods love, in him they reside. Your ascendancy to the royal seat of the land may not be by chance, divination nor ordinance from Hermes. It may be as a result of what the City taught you. The City may have taught you that the Zongos' are the dwelling place of our ancestors. The Zongo is a conglomerate of society, a union of cultures and a determinant of your continuity to leading Oman Ghana and not RULING.

Today, excitement has eaten over my very existence, not because I have won a lottery or ticket to take a once-in-a-life-time snapshot with you, nor me finding a new Obibini-broni to help in massaging my tired self, my joy is in the transformation of the Zongo. My Zongo, Our Zongo, Goaso Zongo.

The excursion to Accra the other day was worth the VIP treat. Mr President, Is it New York that you have imported to Ghana? Or you have sneaked in some German structure. Hmmmmm, you are something Mr President. Something that Joy Dadi cannot provide.You are a satisfaction that cannot e gotten from Mama Kitwaa, the most delicious k)k) (beans and plantain base) in the world. You are more contaminating than Ebola, more fearful than pneumococal gbiligbili. You are at least not a bad company, you do not 'Rise and Fall'-during 'Rise-and-Beans Tours'.

Mr President, you have done what Osagyefo Nkrumah should have done when he was in your position. V-mate, you have done chaw-chaw infrastructure but still there is a lot missing. What about the rail sector? Can we not as a nation stop or possibly reduce the over-dependency on road? Can we not have a rail line right above the Circle Infrastructure?

Mr President, the rail sector is a sector that when revived, your name will e in the good books of the Zongos. Imagine that, rather than the investments in road, Ghana has the first inter-region rail network that connects the 10 regional capital of Ghana to aid in the transportation of goods such as Asumura Timber, Goaso Plantain, Techiman Yam amongst the many food stuffs to help reduce the over dependency on food stuffs from Mali and other neigbhoring countries. If we had a rail sector, the rate of accidents will be reduced drastically (you remember this word used by Atta Milk in 2008?)

My colleague Mahama (the President is my colleague Old-Vandal so i earn that right to call him a colleague though I have not 'chopped' President yet), the next time you visit the Zongo in Goaso, Asunafo North, you will ask if you did it because you twin brother, the dean of MMDCE's, Alhaji Mohammed Doku has made you proud. He built drains and now has tarred the road. Goaso Zongo is black. Mim is underway. Mim town roads are being constructed. For infratructure, my colleague is on top.

How about the boys? I will write to you in my next letter of the concerns of the boys until then, you reshuffle has delayed Mr President. People have lost hope in most of your appointees which may lead to a low voter turn out and your exit from the political realms and a big blow to the Zongo Caucus. Forget the talk from those stomach appointees and hear the torments from your active youth leaders.

Mr President, I will be publicizing and informally commissioning the Goaso Zongo roads with a mega street bash. Meet me there as we charge to the glory of Father Bacchus and as we sweat down the hustle after-all Once a VANDAL, balls must be held tighter than ever or else the koti b)t)'s will snatch our VOLTA Ladies.