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Opinions of Thursday, 2 February 2012

Columnist: Ayeboafo, Yaw Awuah Boadu

Holier Than Thou-President Mills

President Mills bounced on our political scene with the best self-acclaimed accolades ever to be envied by the Ghanaian in a President of the Republic. He hyped his integrity, good deeds and intents which were acclaimed and defended by the “partisan and rented NDC press”. President Rawlings also defended Prof. Mills with his last bet. No wonder he's so frustrated and at the forefront to see his defeat with his team B’s poor and mediocre performance.

Anyway, for once he should take responsibility for his abysmal performance for reposing his trust and confidence in him by solely nominating him as the NDC's leader in the first place. The bad consequences of President Mills’ administration on the majority of Ghanaians are the direct result of President Rawlings' action.

It's significant that for the first time Rawlings is at the forefront with Ghanaians in undoing one of his bad legacies left, even though he's not publicly admitted. There's a responsibility on him to tell Ghanaians that his commitment to get him removed is genuine and in the interest of the people other than a personal vendetta. Indeed, President Mills is over rated and sympathized on issues of trust worthiness, genuine commitment to good causes, peace lovingness, anti-corruption, his so affirmed good thoughts about the suffering Ghanaian masses and his ability to better their lives. It’s a blessing in disguise the shield of opposition was punched by his winning of the last elections to the exposure of his true worth. Why did we forget his leadership of Ghanaian’s Economic Management Team as Vice President under President Rawlings that plunged Ghana into HIPC? Lest we forgot, he was very instrumental in the scandal of Aveyime Rice project spearheaded by Ms Grace Cotton where Ghana lost Millions of Dollars.

On corruption, he bemoaned it to the extent that people believed and thought he was incorruptible and was going to swiftly take action when his appointees were implicated or alleged to be corrupt. He said he'd take action on even newspaper allegations of corruption. Yet, the contrary is seen of Prof. Mills as President. President Mills was on Asempa FM to promise a swift investigation into allegation of corruption against him estimated over GHC 90M during his last party’s presidential primary by no less a personality than Mr. Herbert Mensah. It’s unbelievable no action had been taken ever since to unravel the truthfulness or other wise of the allegation.

His recent dismissal of Attorney General Mr. Martin Amidu, is a cowardly shot in his own foot with respect to his promise and commitment to fight corruption. Indeed, for him to sack a man he so trusted and believed his integrity to the extent of choosing as his running mate during the 2000 elections under the circumstance of Woyomegate can’t be understood. It could only be understood under Mr. Martin Amidu’s “…call for the prosecution of criminals regardless of their political party colorations or their social status.” Clearly, this commitment of Mr. Amidu was at variance or in conflict with the true mission of President Mills.

The exposé by Mr. Martin Amidu that attracted the anger of President Mills puts him in the “group who perceive” and accused the Attorney General in his words for “not performing the duties of my office in their partisan political interests”. Indeed, this indicts the President’s integrity and promise to be “father for all” and his speech-making against corruption. The decision of the President against Mr. Martin Amidu exposes him. This single act of the President clearly shows that his government has been taken siege by “greedy bastards” as alleged. The last person to have been sacked in the light of Woyomegate, given the issues should have been Mr. Martin Amidu, if indeed there is any virtue in the President.

It is unfortunate President Mills is at the core of those in the words of Mr. Martin Amidu, who perceived his “integrity and professionalism as a lawyer was a threat to the concealment of gargantuan crimes against the people of Ghana in which they might be implicated”. I believe Ghanaians would not allow this act of the President to achieve his avowed aim to shield the prosecution of people who have committed “gargantuan crime”. President Mills should remember that he “cannot switch channels and get rid of them.” It is about time he lived up to his obligation to the Ghanaian.

Nana Addo, recently put it clearly that Ghanaians have a choice in the next elections; “a choice between stagnation and progress, between non-performance and competence, between corruption and integrity...” I believe Ghanaians would use the only weapon they have at their command ‘voting’ this year as a razor to cut through the golden curtain of corruption and mismanagement being presided over by President Mills.

Finally, Ghanaians should take the caution of the beleaguered ex Attorney General “Ghana as a nation can never and should never be allowed to be intimidated by charlatans in political disguise”.

Yaw Awuah Boadu Ayeboafo, [email protected], Tepa Ashanti