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Opinions of Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Columnist: Elliot Ayertey Nuertey

Hon. Agyarko’s Dismissal: The beginning a new political era

Boakye Agyarko, Energy Minister Boakye Agyarko, Energy Minister

I woke up one fine noon to stories and reports on the dismissal of the Former Energy Minister, Hon. Boakye Agyarko.

The former Energy Minster had on August 6, 2018 received a letter from the office of the head of communication at the Presidency, relieving him of his duties as minister.

Though the said dismissal letter did not state the rationale behind the dismissal of the former Minister but then, public knowledge indicated that the minister was fired for misinforming the President on the review of the controversial AMERI deal signed between the erstwhile Mahama Administration and a power company in Dubai.

The rumor which began to spread was somehow confirmed by the Head of Communication at the Presidency Mr. Eugene Arhin, who in an interaction with the Media stated the Former Minister was fired following some issues related to the AMERI deal.

Following these development, there have been diverse opinions among the Ghanaian populace, popular among them was that the punishment meted out to the Former Minister was harsh and that the problem could have been solved in a more amicable way.

Others viewed this act by the President as an exhibition of gross betrayal to his party, the NPP as it is believed that the said honorable, contributed immensely both physically and financially to the NPP’s campaign before the 2016 presidential election.

However, I would personally commend the President, His Excellency Nana Addo Danquah Akufo–Addo, for serving justice to Ghanaians and punishing deserving citizens regardless of their political affiliation.

Earlier this year, the President had made some key appointments that had transcended and changed our understanding of the Ghanaian politics.

Famous among such appointment is the appointment of lawyer Alamsi Martin Amidu as the Special Prosecutor, a top notch official from the rival National Democratic Congress as against the widespread prediction that the President would select a member of his party for the said office.

This appointment by the President was warmly welcomed by Ghanaians, as it sent the indication that the current government is willing to work with all qualified persons to ensure Ghana works again.

The appointment was shortly followed by the removal from office of the Directors of Ghana Export Promotion Authority, Director General of Ghana Ports and Harbour Authority, Bulk Oil Storage and Transport Company and lastly the CEO of Korle-bu teaching hospital.

This action by the President received a lot of public backlash as most citizens alleged, it was an act of witch hunt though tangible reasons were given for their removal. The situation and the allegations got worse after the removal of Mrs. Charlotte Osei as the commissioner of the Electoral Commission as most of the dismissed officials by far are from the NDC.

Now with the removal of Hon. Agyarko from office, the President is giving root to his quest to combat corruption and in doing that, he will not shield anyone from the rigors of the law, should they be caught breaching even a Clause in the constitution.

This act by the President has also solidified the confidence well-meaning Ghanaians have in the president to govern with the interest of the nation at heart.

The actions of the President has also erased thoughts and conceptions that citizens in the political or ruling class are above the law, as he has time and over meted out justice to all who commit crimes regardless of their social status, influence, wealth and political affiliation.

It’ll be my utmost desire that head of sectors and subsequent Presidents of this noble land emulate these noble actions and do not hesitate to publicly punish all who commit crimes in their line of duty. To this I say Ayekoo Mr. President and Long Live Ghana.

Elliot Ayertey Nuertey
[email protected]