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Opinions of Monday, 16 December 2013

Columnist: Goldberg, Jason

Hon Arthur, MP Gomoa West, Do Something Before You Leave.

Honorable Francis K. Arthur, MP Gomoa West, Do Something Before You Leave.

In all democratic societies all over the world, peoples’ representatives, whether they are referred to as Members of Parliament, Counsellors, Senators, Congressmen, Ministers, you name it, are entrusted with the primary function of enacting laws and regulations for the orderliness and peaceful coexistence of their citizens.
In addition to the above primary function, legislators are also entrusted with other responsibilities including lobbying their federal and or central governments for developmental projects in their respective constituencies and districts. After all, they almost always promise to serve their constituents during electioneering campaigns.
In the case of Ghana, apart from representing their constituents in parliament which is the highest legislative body in the country, MPs are also potentials for appointments as ministers and deputy ministers of states, which is also seen as additional opportunities for developmental projects and sources of influence, prestige, and esteem to their home constituencies and by extension, supporters.
In fact, in most constituencies, several developmental projects are attributed to and counted as achievement stories of Honorable MP “A” “B” “C” or “D”. It is therefore very disappointing for the electorate of Gomoa West constituency that five years after voting Honorable Francis K. Arthur as our MP for a second term, no significant development whatsoever has been made as far as our roads are concerned.
For instance, the road from Apam junction through Dawurampong to Agona Swedru is so deplorable that not a single week passes without accident and yet the MP does not seem to care about it. This poor state of affairs of our roads couple with our MP’s insensitivity has made living in the towns and villages along the above mentioned road in the Gomoa West Constituency very unbearable.
From all indications, our MP seems satisfied with his salary and allowances as well as his ex gratia, nothing more, nothing less. I am hereby sounding a word of caution to you, Honorable Francis K. Arthur to get your acts together and ensure that the road is asphalted because the people of Gomoa West deserve better than what we are enduring. For once, use your good office to ensure that this road is asphalted. If for nothing at all, it will remain a lasting legacy in your honor and we will forever remain grateful to you.
On the other hand if you do nothing about it and wait till election year 2016 only to send a grader to do “cosmetic construction” on the road as most politicians do during election years, you will be laughing at the wrong side of your mouth. That is why I say “do something before you leave” Honorable Francis K. Arthur.
By: A Concern Citizen of Gomoa West.