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Opinions of Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Columnist: Agyemang, Katakyie Kwame Opoku

Hon. Otiko Afisa Djaba deserves better!

For some unexplained reasons, one could see that people have taken delight in giving a dog a bad name just to hang it. It is becoming a norm that whatever Hon. Otiko Djaba sets to do and say, people have problem with it. They started with her strong criticisms on the former president who happens to be her cousin and her subsequent refusal to eat back her words.

They then followed it up with the National Service issue where some NDC members sent her to court with the view to blocking her chances of serving this beloved country of ours as a Gender and Social Protection Minister.

Later, the same people had issues with Otiko's hair style not forgetting the series of abuses she had gone through previously by engaging in partisan politics.

When a woman was physically attacked in Kumasi by a mob for allegedly stealing a mobile phone, the Hon. Minister issued a statement to condemn it and promised to get to the bottom of the issue, yet, people accused her of delay when the facts at the time had not yet been established.

Over the weekend, Hon. Otiko was a guest to Krobo Girls' SHS Anniversary and advised the girls to be disciplined in their dressing in order not to attract rapists. Her reason was that, some rapists usually give the flimsy excuse that, they sometimes rape women because of the way they dress, especially in mini-skirts.

Personally, I could see that Hon. Otiko did not mean any harm, yet these same people have started raining insults and expressing anger on her. For whatever reason, these people are the best to know. Madam Otiko never said anywhere that, mini-skirt is the cause of rape in Ghana, but people want to twist her words to make her unpopular.

In fact, the way some Ghanaians are making frantic efforts to frustrate Hon. Otiko in performing her duties is very pathetic, to say the least. Why should we do this to this noble woman, if I may ask? Is it due to personal hatred? Is it because she is a woman? Or is it because she criticised the former president and stood on her principles?

For me, I think Hon. Otiko Djaba deserves better. She should be encouraged to give off her best instead attempting to frustrate her. The woman has a vision; she is hard working, respectful and very courageous. Anyone who has associated himself with Otiko would bear me out that, she is the best in that portfolio.

Let's not pretend to be the landlord who hated his tenant to the extent that, he would accuse the tenant of making the house untidy even when the tenant eats doughnut.

It's my prayer that those harbouring personal hatred, and any ill-feelings against Otiko would change their minds and support her to succeed. Hon. Otiko's portfolio is a very important and sensitive one and if she succeeds, it would be beneficial to all Ghanaians.

God bless Ghana! God bless the NPP!! God bless Hon. Otiko!!!

Katakyie Kwame Opoku Agyemang

Asante Bekwai-Asakyiri