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Opinions of Thursday, 7 September 2006

Columnist: Tagoe, Naa Okailey

How Can This Be

During one of the celebration of the Outlawed June 4th, the then President had this to say, "Revolution is a Process and Cannot be Expected to Solve a Nation's Problem at a Go". Significantly, this Statement was made when the former President was ruling under a Constitutional Dispensation. At that function the Then President was angry about the Opposition Accusing Him of Failure to Solve Our Socio-Economic Problems after 19 years Rule.
Yet Today under His Leadership of His Revered but Discredited Opposition, He is asking that All Our Problems Be Solved within 5 1/2 years. What the N.D.C. Fails to Realise is that the Prosperity to Misinform through Their Numerous Press Conferences is making People very Angry. I am looking forward to the Day He will take His Tantrums Revolutionary Zeal to places Kaneshie, Dansoman.
University Lecturers go on Strike and the N.D.C. will hold a Press Conference albeit with a Misinformed position to Achieve Mischief. The N.D.C. tends to forget, it was the then Leader who Closed Down All Universities in Ghana for One Whole year (not academic year) which today is causing Excess Pressure on existing Infrastructure.
As a result of the massive Economic Failure of the N.D.C., the N.P.P. had to take some Bitter but Necessary Decisions which the N.D.C. always opposes because they know that the Positive Impact on the Nation and Its Nationals as a whole will make Ghanaians always Vote for the N.P.P to be in Power.

Awoshie - Accra

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