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Opinions of Sunday, 18 December 2011

Columnist: Korora Edudu (Owura)

How Ghana Can Be propelled into Paradise

Lets first begin by citing an example with sleeping at night by nature, when this
natures law is violated, consider the kind of suffering the violator goes throught
before becoming sound. The punishment is trippled thus if 1 hour is violated, 3
hours has to be put in place (sleeps) for the violated person before becoming sound
and well physically and mentally. Lets also condider when there is toxic substance
in the body, there is a mechanism by nature to release them either through boils,
excretion, vomiting etc.Scientist could bear with me that the more you explore to
get mean of resolving problems for society the more you approaches natures mechanism
to be right. Look at insult by women during their seduction, it helps them choose
the brave man capable of taking care of their children because if you are not brave
you can't approach and with bravery you can provide responsibilities.The acupunture
products by chinese people which enhances healing has the
basic principles of magnetism, acupunture stimulation and coehersion.lets compare
it with nature, the earth has a south and north poles which make it magnetic, there
are stones and other stimulatory materials on it and coehersion by cracth to
stimulate the soul veins thus walking at times bare footed is the healthiest health
practise and that was the great secret of our grand ancestors long life. Why am I
linking these to Ghana. Now lets consider these points
1. GIRLS: At the age of minimum 9, a girl mentruates and becomes fully prepared
internally to bear children by nature. Due to the laws and logic aspect of nature,
she also generates fully sex appitite to suide the preparation all by nature.
Compared to the sleeping disorder, the girl is deprived of sexual relation with a
man with the laws of Ghana untill 18 which is wicked,frustration, criminal in
emotional justice which can lead to death also has brought about the quencequent
punishment of our young stars over sexual exploit to balance or equilibrium the
deprivation. Why don't you also desern the menstrual cycle to 18 years. the plan of
nature not disputing is the plan of God since he made creation inclusive of the
activities of man.there are more problems linked with the above formular which will
be discussed later....
2. CORRUPTION: Nature is designed in such a way that if you don't suffer you don't
gain, or if you are gaining without suffering, you will suffer, or if you are
suffering without gaining, you will gain the principle is inevitable;you can't
bypass it.Now Ghana's economy is designed in such a way that we don't produce even a
stick of matchetes. Our education is "qualification consious" no body wan't to
suffer on the ground but the office.Why won't you take plate to the whites to feed
you and what will not permit the to control you to suffer and also it is the plan of
whites by their heroes to alway drive the blacks in into slavely by promoting
qualification consious, greediness, cunning way of unsing mere facts to drive us a
lot more to talk about.If I were President I would have resolve to cut huge sums of
money into every body's pocket and see who will work for who since every body have
and does not want to work.. The country's economy should be
structured in such a way that the sufferer on the ground should earn more than the
mere qualification consious who is even alway proud of "appor" in examination to
confine with nature laws. Should I graspe a handful of those with higher
qualification in our offices in Ghana and examine them in their ability in analogic
decision making, nil. Yet they are embedded with higher qualifications. What ever
animals have physically humans also have their difference is their ability to make
decision. If the rear sufferer earn more or equilibrium, then all will resort to
either sector for a common goal to suit nature.Thus anticipation for corruption
will cease since what you a corrupting to get is always available.
3. EDUCATION AND RECRUITMENT: Education should be structured to explore the talents
(How to structure call me 0203336545) by nature which will help in efficiency of
natures contribution. Now lets throw eye on these WAEC's one chance examination of
30% cumulative 70% one day exam, what of if the candidate fall ill at that one day
then that is the end of him for the many years stay in class and cohersion of his
true skills since he has to stay home for some time and re-write again which violate
the laws of learning which involves repetition,contribution, and continual
participation (pavlov) merely because of accasional illness and pave way for the
"apphor" malpractised student. How won't Technical Know How destroy the nation to
beg from whites. For Better evaluation of ones talent, qualification should start at
each term from the day of enrollment and kept in a file of student's folder of the
state collated from the district levels to the regional and the
sums added up during graduation without even final exams.
Ghana unconciously will alway be beggers without these principles which will prevent
the "qualification consious" leading to unknown technical how which is the bedrock
of a nation's and organizational fall.
5. SEXUAL ORIENTATION:Nature has it own course for what ever you see and purposely
for Goodness in its progression. Let Nature control it self in all forms except
those that repurcussion judges physically.The Bible has been amended before in the
era of Pitolomy, Copernicus and Galelio where it was written in it that the earth
was the centre of the universe and later disproved by scientists with evidence when
it was eliminated from it approved by Pope John Paul III being the head of all
Churches. How do this ensure the truthness of the bible. Who created the Heaven and
Earth and all that is in it and where is all sexuallity and all manupulations
or that part of mind which replicates ones action. Did He created that portion in
turn for him to have some people to punish? Ghanaias still in their animalic
cultures of their ancestor where as God has designate a change from bad to good.As
some ones article states" Sexual behaviour and romantic relationships
are strongly influenced by a person’s sexual orientation though hormonal,
psychological and anatomical factors are also implicated. Sexual orientation refers
to your degree of emotional and erotic attraction to members of the same sex,
opposite sex, or both sexes.
Heterosexual people are romantically and erotically attracted to members of the
opposite sex. Homosexual people on the other hand, are those who are attracted to
people whose sex matches their own. A person who is bisexual in his or her sexual
orientation is also attracted to both men and women. People with the bisexual
orientation are “snakes under grass” and are more dangerous because, they seem to
live a normal life with their opposite sex partners while at the same time, still in
their nocturnal business with their homosexual partners.
Sexual orientation is a deep part of personal identity. Starting with their earliest
erotic feelings, most people remember being attracted to either the opposite sex or
the same sex. The chances are practically nil of an exclusively heterosexual or
homosexual person being “converted” from one orientation to the other. If you are
heterosexual, you are probably certain that nothing could ever make you have
homoerotic feelings. If so, then you know how homosexual persons feel about the
prospects for changing their sexual orientation (Seligman, 1994). What determines a
person’s sexual orientation? Available evidence on the subject suggests that sexual
orientation is at least partly hereditary, although biological, social, cultural and
psychological influences are also involved (Garnets, 2002). Some researchers now
estimate that sexual orientation is from 30 to 70 percent genetic (Mustanski,
Chivers, & Bailey, 2002). How could genes affect sexual
orientation? Possibly, heredity shapes areas of the brain that orchestrate sexual
behaviour. Support for this idea comes from the work of neuroscientists who have
shown that various brain structures and brain chemicals differ in heterosexuals and
homosexual (Kinnunen et al., Levay, 1993) According to Bank and Gartrell, 1995,
homosexuality is not caused by hormone imbalances. It is also a mistake to think
that parenting makes children homosexual. There is little difference in the
development of children with gay or lesbian parents and those who have heterosexual
parents (Patterson, 2002; Wainwright et al., 2004). It appears that nature strongly
prepares people to be either homosexual or heterosexual. Rathus et al., (2005) are
of the view that discrimination against homosexuals is much like rejecting a person
for being blue-eyed or left-handed. Do you agree? Yes, you may choose to agree or
disagree because you are in the University of Choice! In many
cultures, heterosexuality has long been regarded as a norm and homosexuality has
been seen as a disease, a mental disorder or even a crime (Hooker, 1993). Attempts
to alter the sexual orientation of homosexuals in the past using psycho-therapy,
brain surgery, or electric shock, were seen as exercise in futility (Haldeman,
1994). In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association dropped homosexuality from the
Diagnostic and statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, thus ending its official
status as a form of psychopathology".
I have solutions for every sector of government to bring paradise to the Ghanaians
but with time lets take these few. Where as when your mobile phone is not working
properly you do not open it and blame the components inside but the manufacturer,so
as when you found something in nature you can't blame man for it but when blaming
then you are making it to God because he made the design. . Jesus have mercy for
you are always blamed by man for bad creation.

The is Just a the beginning to test mans understanding and it constitue one and half
(1.5) percent of the whole scenerio for Governance.

Korora Edudu (Owura)
[email protected]