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Opinions of Friday, 20 January 2012

Columnist: The Informer

How Richard Sky, Sammy Darko & Co. Made Clowns Of Themselves

Currently in Ghana, we are experiencing the tyrannical agenda of a section of the media that has fondly believed that they are the most sensible persons in the country.

These journalists; who are obviously not as sensible as they think they are, have made it their duty to hold the nation to ransom.
Just because they have access to microphones, they think they are the most important persons in the country.

Forget the fact that some of them don’t have any academic credentials to their names.
Forget the fact that some of them are not 100% when it comes to their mental makeup.
These media terrorists have made it their business to constantly foist their senseless thinking on the psyche of the nation.

Two days ago, The Informer had a good laugh listening to Joy FM’s Sammy Darko, Citi FM’s Richard Sky, and a host of some little-minded NPP journalists making all sorts of senseless noise on radio and TV.

Because they endlessly want to discuss the Woyome-matter, they think the whole country must do same.

Even though this Woyome matter is getting to the point of becoming an “argumentum ad nuseam”, these little-minded NPP journalists think they can make the matter live for the rest of the year.

When journalists had the opportunity to ask the President serious questions, they spent the time asking about Woyome.
Some of them even run away from the opportunity to tie the President to the stakes and fire him.

So, when the Education Ministry sent out notice that the Ministry was going to hold a Press Conference, Richard Sky, Sammy Darko and co., dancing in their little-mindedness, convinced themselves that Mrs. Betty Mould Iddrissu was going to speak about the Woyome matter.

Salivating at the thought of having more to chew on the Woyome matter, Sammy Darko, Richard Sky and their gang rushed to the Education Ministry, hoping that they will have a field day.
Unfortunately for the small-minded NPP scoundrels, the Education Ministry spent the time projecting its good works.
And because the Education Minister did not waste her precious time on the Woyome matter, Sammy Darko, Richard Sky and others went on a crying binge, saying that, the Education Ministry has misled them.

Nobody misled them; they misled themselves.

Because of their silly obsession for a matter that they think will help their corrupt NPP to win power; they think that everybody else must be obsessed with the same matter.

Richard Sky, Sammy Darko and co know that Akufo-Addo has no message for Ghanaians and has no alternative development plans, they think that keeping the Woyome matter alive will make President Atta Mills look bad.
How on earth can any sensible person think that a Minister of Education will use the Education Ministry platform to talk about the Attorney-General’s office?
Is it not foolish and illogical thinking that will make anybody believe that Betty Mould Iddrisu would use the Ministry of Education platform to talk about her former office?

What kind of foolish thinking is this?

If Betty wants to talk on the Woyome matter, there is no way she would use a Ministry Of Education platform to do so.

So if some idiots deceived themselves into believing that the Education Minister was going to speak about her performance in her capacity as Attorney-General and Justice Minister, and she did not do so, they should not disturb our ears with their silly statements on the airwaves.

If they misled themselves into a foolish line of thinking, why should they be blaming the Education Minister/Ministry?
If Richard Sky, Sammy Darko and co think that it is the Woyome matter that will get their corrupt and thieving NPP into power, then they are joking.
President Atta Mills is surely going to look better and stronger when this whole Woyome matter comes to an end.
Since President Atta Mills took over the reins of power, Richard Sky, Sammy Darko and their paymasters have tried desperately to use vile propaganda to dent the image of President Atta Mills, but the propaganda always falls flat at the end of the day.
We recall how Sammy Darko and co tried very hard to “kill” the NDC Government with the foolish Amina mass rape/robbery hoax.
At the end of the day, has it not come to light that the Amina case was a fabrication?
The Woyome matter may not be a fabrication, but at the end of the day, it will come to light that it is Kufuor’s corrupt NPP Government which caused the nation that huge financial loss.
When Martin Amidu tried playing to the gallery, he only succeeded in destroying his political career.
In-like-manner, Sammy Darko, Richard Sky and co will only end up making clowns of themselves, when the matter is finally put to rest.
And just by way of information, people are beginning to realise that the pro-NPP media agents are just wasting the time of the nation with the Woyome matter, and are beginning to switch-off their radio and TV when the Woyome matter was on the airwaves.
It is not the Woyome matter that will determine the outcome of the 2012 election; it is the integrity of the candidates, coupled with the solid works of the NDC in 4 years as opposed to the corrupt practices that went on under the Kufuor administration, which will determine that President Atta Mills will be given another chance to continue to build a Better Ghana.
Richard Sky, Sammy Darko and co; you can go to hell and stay there! It is not because of your skinheads that Mrs. Betty Mould Iddrisu will waste her time responding to all the foolishness that is going on!!!
Auntie Betty, ayekoo for making crass idiots out of a group of little-minds who are angry because they are no longer enjoying free cocaine and stolen money.