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Opinions of Monday, 4 September 2017

Columnist: Stephen Obiri Agyei

How Russian rail expertise can benefit Ghana

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Railway transportation is one of the fastest and more economical mode of transportation over long distances within a country and even among neighbouring countries. It aids in improving the economy through trade and creating mobility between different geographical locations.

Ghana’s railway system was very vibrant during the years before it gained independence in the 1950s, however, the railway sector was not given much attention by subsequent administrations which nearly led to its collapse. Russia has solidified its leadership position in railway and most importantly its underground railway transportation which has benefitted the citizens in the country.

Anybody who has been to Moscow wouldn’t downplay the ingenuity and architectural expertise of the Russian engineers. It is no wonder I concur to the governments signing the memorandum of understanding with Geo Services in Russia. Investment in the railway sector strengthens the economy, improves market accessibility and productivity and invariably creates enormous opportunities for employment.

A number of foreign countries that work in African nations normally do little to ensure skills transfer from the foreigners to the locals. A majority of companies bring along their own labour force to complete projects, leaving the country forever dependent on them to maintain the work and incapable of doing such work in the future.

“What we do not want to do is to bring people from Russia to work here. This University is going to help us transfer the technology as fast as possible for Ghanaians to build and operate their own railways efficiently”, said The Chief Executive Officer of Geo Service, Sergey Kamnev.

In the case of Russia they seek to empower and work collaboratively with the local people to work on projects which gives them what I say “a sense of belongingness” that people will take ownership because they are involved.

I will expatiate on the pertinent issue that really confront Ghana that is the maintenance culture. I discuss this culture as one that is ingrained in our minds that we don’t care about maintaining the assets of the state but we cherish only our individual property paying little attention to the state-owned properties. This has also been the problem that confronts the railway sector. However, governments have been trying their best to restore the former glory of this sector and this has led to the creation of a separate body to oversee the development of railway industry.

The railway when maintained very well will contribute significantly to the growth of the Ghanaian economy. I believe that the Ghanaian engineers can tap a lot of additional knowledge and skills from the Russian experts who will be working on the railway system.