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Opinions of Monday, 7 November 2022

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

How credible is Mr 'double-tongued' John Dramani Mahama?

Former President, John Dramani Mahama Former President, John Dramani Mahama

As promised, the proud and fearless son of Kumawu/Asiampa, Rockson Adofo, is back online to expose the double-talking former President John Dramani Mahama, alias Mr “Double-Tongued”.

What is double-tongued, one may be curious to know. Double-tongued is an idiomatic expression that means, “Saying one thing to one person and something different to another”. Clearly, former President John Dramani Mahama fits that description without any ifs and buts.

For his resolute determination to come back to rule Ghana, he has been going every length and the extra mile to not only soil the reputation of his alleged arch-political opponent, President Nana Akufo-Addo but also, to blame him for the mismanagement of the Ghana economy hence the difficult conditions of living Ghanaians find themselves in today.

He does this with the intent to cause public disaffection for President Nana Akufo-Addo and his New Patriotic Party (NPP) government so that they will be voted out of power come to any future general election by voting in himself and his National Democratic Congress (NDC) political party.

He forgets that we are in a global technological age where one’s demonstrated actions and pronouncements can easily be captured on audio and or, video. It is by this technology that former President John Mahama has proven himself a gargantuan double-tongued liar who in the honest estimation of the writer of this article, is unfit for re-election to govern Ghana.

Before the Ghanaian audience, he blames President Nana Akufo-Addo for sole responsibility for the unprecedented economic mismanagement of Ghana hence the scarily stark inflation Ghanaians are confronted with. He says this to the applause of his teeming colluding NDC members and sympathizers.

Nevertheless, he confesses on air to foreign journalists when abroad that the world is in economic crisis following the Covid-19 pandemic as worsened by the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. Why does he not say same in Ghana but rather blame President Nana Akufo-Addo as though, there had never been any lethal Covid-19 pandemic impacting the world economy and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war being insignificant to adversely affect any nation’s economy?

In his tenure of office, he attributed the economic hardships faced by Ghana and Ghanaians to the then-world financial crisis that culminated in a global recession. The problems of that era forced him to scuttle off to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) like a frightened dog with its tail tucked in-between its two hind legs.

Why are Ghanaians of such short memory as to not remember all the things that John Mahama did, or said, to see who he actually is?

I may not forgive John Mahama for his many lies told, and corrupt behaviour unless he confesses publicly and asks for the forgiveness of his crimes by Ghanaians and again, render an apology to his political opponents for intentionally causing them grief and public disaffection, all for his selfish political interests.

Fellow Ghanaians, please, note that the current inflationary economic situation faced by Ghana is not unique to her but a world phenomenon. In the United Kingdom, to be precise London, where I reside, prices of commodities keep increasing, all because of Covid-19 and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war.

Because of the Russia-Ukraine war where gas is needed to power the electricity plants in many European countries is in short supply, look at what is happening in Italy as a policy taken by their government to save on the little energy they can provide.

The same measures are suggested by some British parliamentarians to conserve power for essential use during this winter, although utility bills, especially electricity, have gone through the roof.

Italy exemplifies the world economic crisis

I am going to bed but still will be on the case of Mr. John Dramani Mahama until he speaks same truth as he tells foreign journalists when he is in Ghana.

If anything at all, John Mahama is not the best alternative. Why can’t you the NDC and those baying Ghanaians bring on board Dr. Kwabena Duffour, if indeed, Ghanaians are fed up with NPP?

I rest my case. Nevertheless, I call on Ghanaians to be politically savvy. Try to understand the times and the seasons. Don’t be fooled by Mr. John Dramani Mahama aka “Double-tongued” and his brigade of lying NDC sycophants.