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Opinions of Saturday, 12 March 2022

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

How credible is the Asante Mampong NPP MP on the nursing students issue?

Kwaku Ampratwum-Sarpong, Member of Parliament for the Mampong constituency Kwaku Ampratwum-Sarpong, Member of Parliament for the Mampong constituency

I have been following with keen interest the unprofessional and completely illegal treatment of some nursing and midwifery students at Mampong Nursing and Midwifery Training College in Ashanti.

The principal of the college from the evidence available to me is a complete misfit in her position.

Is she aware of the different results assigned to the affected students on their students portal, school notice board, etc, although based on the same examination or academic assessment? That is where her incompetence is made markedly evident.

I shall have more time to prove to the reading public how unfit she is to be in her position as the principal of the school once my laptop starts to function properly. I shall as usual publish some true copies of the evidence in my possession.

The matter is made worse by the additional irresponsibility in glare displayed by the NPP member of parliament for the Mampong constituency.

In the face of the available evidence pointing to the contrary, this MP goes on air to inform his audience that the students are academic failures hence do merit the fate they are facing at the hands of the principal. A whole MP makes statements that are contrary to the available evidence.

This is a person who studied at a University in London but does not understand or appreciate the value of credible, permissible and acceptable evidence. How i wish i could meet him on any public platform for argument on the issue of the fate of the students as regards his rogue stance taken.

The MP for whatever his position in government is, in my view, lacks what it takes to serve mother Ghana in an acceptable way.

Despite his alleged relationship with the principal in whatever manner it is, he should not behave in that manner where he could be seen as a fool, a liar and an incompetent person once the evidence contrary to his assertions against the affected students is published.

I shall advise the Sector Ministers relevant to investigating the problems faced by the students to obtain evidence both from the students and the principal as well as the stakeholders to be able to make an informed decision but not based on the lies told to them by the MP.

If the principal and the MP think they are now in power hence can use their positions anyhow and detrimentally, of course, they should bear in mind that everything comes at a cost.

I personally have a dislike for those who abuse their positions when they are offered positions to serve their country and people.

Shame on the MP, a complete disgrace to Ghana and the womb that conceived him.

The true length of the frog can be determined on its death. Similarly, the credibility or otherwise of the MP will be proven when competent investigations are conducted with the evidence published for public scrutiny.

As a voice of the voiceless, l shall not abandon the students in their fight for justice, although injustice seems to reign in Ghana, my country of birth.

Let the truth prevail, oh lying MP!