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Opinions of Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

How credible is this person claiming to be authority on Asante history?

Otumfuo Osei Tutu II Otumfuo Osei Tutu II

There is this Asante man called Opanin Nimoako or so, who purports to come across forcefully as an authority on Ashanti history. Whenever there is any need for clarification on any aspect of the Asante history, he is the one often contacted by Oheneba media.

His version of narratives on any historic issue is always embraced wholeheartedly, video-recorded, and fed to the public without any scrutiny.

Of late, he comes out to rubbish any views presented by Dormaahene Oseadeayo Dr. Agyemang Badu II, on history where Asante or Asantehene is mentioned, thus, history pertaining to the formation of the Asante Kingdom and the current status of and role of Asantehene.

I will not be getting down to the nitty-gritty of his counter submissions but to question his honesty on two such issues.

Is it traditionally the prerogative of Asantehene to appoint Kumawuhene or Essumejahene, let alone, impose persons of his choice on those divisions?

From my research and personal knowledge of Asante history, it is not. That right belongs to the queen, Obaapanin, and the Abusuapanin of the royal family of those divisions and as may be approved by the kingmakers of the divisions concerned.

However, the current Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II has usurped that power to rather appoint, and ensure, the enstoolment of royal candidates or outsiders, as the paramount chief of the mentioned divisions.

Again, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II claims to own the entire Ashanti land without any clan, family, or stool owning any portion of Ashanti land and that any chief occupying any portion does so as a caretaker to the land on his behalf.

What does this man of all-knowing and authority on Asante history say on that? Is Otumfuo traditionally right to do that? Has he got that power, and if yes, can Opanin Nimoako point them out to me?

That sycophancy and being petty with the truth is what I hate and that is what is destroying Ghana.

I am patiently waiting for a response from Opanin Nimoako and or, Oheneba media, those two "See no evil, hear no evil and Speak no evil" about the damn Asante autocrat, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II.

We have to be bold, to tell the truth as it is without fearing anyone.

Dormaahene is right in his expressed views about Essumeja as regards Otumfuo Osei Tutu II installing a complete outsider as Essumejahene in the false claim that there is no longer any true royal family, or royal, in Essumeja and that the Golden Stool/Okomfo Anokye directed him in a dream to ensure the enthronement of the outsider he has imposed on Essumeja.