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Opinions of Saturday, 8 July 2017

Columnist: Eunice Abbey

How honourable are these 'Honourables'?

Ghana entrusted its future into the hands of its leadership Ghana entrusted its future into the hands of its leadership

I used to think that Ghana was the promising star in Africa. However, this thought and hope kept diminishing until I had no iota of faith to cling to. Whilst the problem of underdevelopment in Africa has been primarily assigned to leadership, Ghana’s has completely made her citizens bitter and resource-less amidst plenty resources and abundance.

A few have always had good intentions, armed with selflessness, honesty and sacrifice for Ghana but alas, the “destructive” nature of the many has corrupted the few.

Like excited new borns, they “cry” with gargantuan promises. They sound convincing and persuasive. Some will do anything, just anything to be called “Honourable”. As forgetful and ungrateful as humans could sometimes be, they forget the allegiance sworn to Ghana aka, “Dumsor Land”. So I ask, how honorable are these Honourables? How come the very principles that bind them to being Honourables are disregarded when they come to power?

Ghana entrusted its future into the hands of the “Honourables” and they plunged it into total darkness. Their foresight and visions are in the state of the “dumsor” that they have turn the country into. These foresights and visions are lighted up when they are fighting to be called Honourables. Like a woman in labour, they suddenly possess indescribable zeal, power and might to birth their dream to become Mr. or Mrs. Honourable.

When the title is taken, majority become invisible to the very people who gave them the power and title. They parade the country with the laws sitting on their shoulders, “anointed” with the spirit of raps, they sing their usual choruses; promises, excuses and the blame games.

Honourables, we are highly aware of your personal interests behind the titles you wear, but make a conscious effort to build Ghana. You say you are working and that you care but we never see the physical manifestations of the honourable deeds and character that your title denotes.

We saw and read your numerous promises concerning the perennial floods in “Dumsor” land and yet, it had to cost the lives of many for you to act if at all, it was not for showbiz. The rainy season are “jingling” in and once again, properties, homes and lives have been lost. You pretend to mourn and sympathize with us but you know very well that you care not. The youth cry out for jobs, higher levels of lawlessness and violence, just so many things are not right Honourables.

Fix the system!

It is amazing how you keep running to and fro other developed countries. Have you not seen and learnt lessons from these journeys. If they did for their citizens, why can’t you? You push your dear ones there to tap into the opportunities created by other Honourables like yourselves. Rich Ghana, now a poor “dumsor” Land had and still has the opportunity to outshine highly developed countries.

You carry the weapon of power to scoop for yourselves what you need and in excess to the detriment of the people you lead. For some of the citizens that dare to speak up, you quickly reveal your “fangs” to attack and bite. It is not funny anymore. The day the countries you trust so much decide to cough out your people and relatives, they shall surely return to this “Dumsor” land to eat the fruits of the mess, discomfort and destruction thereof.

You receive salutations and the roads must be made clear upon your passing through and arrival. You laugh at the folly of your citizens, “If only we knew or know”. Not all of us can have this honourable opportunity to influence major decisions in the country like you have. You have attained intellectual power from some of the renowned institutions across the globe, we care less about that anyways.

Only let the brains work. We watch the sun shine in its full power and yet we go about asking “Are the lights on or out? It is now a stress-packed lifestyle in this land and yet, you O Honourables, have the money to afford and manage generators so you do not give a damn about the commoner. The last time, I heard that most of the areas where the “Honourables” live hardly experience “Dumsor”.

At times, the Honourables becomes the only Israelites in Egypt. They have light and we have darkness. What an honourable act! Natural resources like lands are not uncommon in Ghana and yet we import basic foods that could easily be cultivated here. There are many ready to work, create and develop provided the enabling environment is provided. What do we see then?

In this “Dumsor” land, you need to be in the blood line or be an ally of a certain Honourable to get opportunities within the public domains. Scholarships meant for brilliant but needy students are given to undeserving think-less heads whose contributions neither multiply nor add to the country’s development.

When the Honourbles of other countries give scholarships to deserving Ghanaian students, they never desire to return home after studies. Who will encounter fortune and wish to let go? You run in big cars and taint your windows pretending not to have seen the many kids whose future and potentials are being wallowing in waste on the streets. So all the cars must pave way, the motorcade is on the lead because a certain Honourable is coming. Meanwhile, I read that some Honourables in other countries even join public buses to work and meetings oo.

One more thing, I heard we discovered oil. Whatever happened to it, only the Honourables of “Dumsor” land can tell. Some of you have replaced all the honourable principles with lies, selfishness, greed, malice and folly. Some of your citizens are catching up with these “incredible” exemplary virtues you have shown us. In a video that went viral in one of the regions in Dumsor land, some students could not even mention a single name of an Honourable. One of them even tagged one as a Prophet. Hahahaha! indeed, the political prophesies you give are many and yet not fully materialized. Perhaps, if you were doing honourable deeds, they will be worth remembering your names for.

You keep running but they will catch up with you soon. Whatever has a beginning has an end too.

If unfulfilled political promises and lies had hometowns, Ghana would be one of them. I lament for my country but I wish more will join in the crusade of holding our Honourables accountable and responsible. To do our bid as citizens and to strive to liberate Ghana from the hands of the “vampires” wearing the masks of Honourbles. Yes!

There are always exceptions too, to those who are honourable in deeds and in words, keep up with the good work and may you live longer.

God bless Ghana, God help us!