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Opinions of Saturday, 14 May 2022

Columnist: Joel Savage

How long can ordinary Ghanaians endure these extreme hardships under the NPP government?

Prices of food and other items have shot up Prices of food and other items have shot up

It’s not an exaggeration to say Ghanaians are suffering under the government of Nana Akufo Addo, but the fact is they can’t turn back the clock to get back to the good days of John Mahama.

Ghana, a country with vast natural resources, including gold, bauxite, oil, cocoa, timber, cocoa, diamonds, etc., has now become one of the most difficult countries to live in because of massive corruption and the lack of jobs creation.

Amid a high rate of unemployment, prices of commodities like food, fuel, electricity, and water have increased by more than 200%, making life unbearable for ordinary Ghanaians.

The fact that tribalism remains very strong, the NPP party capitalized on it to convince the common Ghanaians that Mahama was corrupt and had stolen so much money from the government’s coffers.

Ghanaians took to the streets to demonstrate against the ex-Ghanaian leader, demanding his resignation and party change. It wasn’t a surprise that Mahama lost the 2016 presidential race.

Just a year after Akufo Addo became president, he changed his lifestyle, ignored the ordinary people, and began spending lavishly at the expense of the suffering people.

He failed on almost all his promises, including cutting taxation and protecting the public purse. Before the end of Akufo Addo’s second year, he had become deeply involved in massive corruption.

The government’s funds were embezzled, and even COVID funds were stolen. In the political history of Ghana, Akufo Addo has cut sods to commission projects, more than any Ghanaian leader, but none of those projects have been built.

Unable to create jobs for over five years in power, unemployment rose significantly, and crimes increased. The NPP government has stolen so much money that Ghana is under heavy debt without accountability.
Things have gone extremely bad for ordinary Ghanaians. After the imposition of the fraudulent E-Levy, prices of basic commodities have sharply increased. Also, the prices of fuel, food, transport, electricity, and water, have increased by over 200%, making life unbearable for ordinary Ghanaians.

Despite all the challenges and difficulties Ghanaians are facing today, the majority are too scared to demonstrate against Akufo Addo. Everyone is scared because of the government's iron fist on citizens that often criticize the government.

The question is, how long can ordinary Ghanaians endure these extreme hardships under the NPP government? The truth is that the hardship people are facing is just the tip of the iceberg.

The remaining years ahead of Akufo Addo will be a political disaster and a nightmare with extreme hardships because, amid a high rate of corruption, the president has ruined the country and its economy beyond recovery. Above all, he lacks leadership skills and job creation.