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Opinions of Thursday, 13 May 2010

Columnist: Transient Justice

How many people have to die Atta Mills?

After 16 months of misery and suffering, Atta Mills still has no plan to solve anything. Atta Mills has yet to announce his plan on health care. After 16 months Dr. Mills is still sitting in the castle drinking tea while Ghanaians suffer. This article is going to be about health care because, this is something I am very passionate about and, it is something Dr. Mills cares very little about. Thus, the question must be asked: How many people have to die Dr. Mills?

In Ghana in the year 2010 the health care system has become a joke. In Accra, the peak of modern Ghanaian civilization with regard to development, the health care is below par. Outside of Accra, the less said, the better. In 2008 the NDC told us that we were electing a scholar, a compassionate man who listed to the masses. In 2010 we now know it was all Bullcrap. They lied to us. This dirty administration swindled us illiterates both Educated and Uneducated. They Swindled all of us!

In 2010 there is no AMBULANCE SERVICE in Ghana. If someone gets injured badly, they must call a Taxi! This is 2010 not 1910! 2010! And, Dr. Fiifi Atta Mess has no plan to fix this. He has announced NOTHING. No big speech to parliament! No interview with a reputable journalist! He is instead sending known thugs like Carl Wilson to check to see if any new cars have arrived at the ports that he may want for himself or, some other party men! How many more people have to die Dr. Atta Mills?

Dr. Mills has effectively brought the Cash and Carry system back. In just 16 months he has taken Ghana back to the 1990’s level of health care. Now, if you need a Band-Aid and, have no cash, TOUGH LUCK! This is an Atta Mills policy! No money usually means no treatment under this dirty administration. Thus, the government will basically tell you to go die. How inhumane can this dirty government get? Why don’t they listen to the masses? How can they continue to live in opulence while we suffer? How many more have to die Dr. Atta Mills?

In 2010, you can walk into a hospital with your hand cut off and, not even get a bed! 2010! No bed! Dr. Atta Mills still does not care. Atta Mills is fine with your 90 year old father or Grandfather sleeping on a BENCH in the hall way while waiting for health care to arrive. He is perfectly fine with it! This is proven by the fact that he has ANNOUNCED NOTHING SINCE COMING TO POWER! How many more have to die Dr. Atta Mills?

In 2010, when you go to the hospital, there is NOTHING THERE. You have to bring your own towel and, many other things. Thus, you can be laying there butt naked while you wait for your family to bring your stuff! 2010! Nothing there! Dr. Mills STILL does not care. How many more have to die in humiliation Atta Mills?

Dr. Mills, when are you going to make a big health care announcement! Health is wealth. The health care in even Accra is a joke. If I started talking about my village you would cry. Even the strongest man would cry. Bawl like a baby! Waaaa waaaaa! Thus, I have presented what may consider our best health care options in Ghana. As you can see from above even the best is a joke. Dr. Mills, I know you don’t have to use the facilities in Ghana. Even when you were not in power both you and JJ Rawlings got your health care from South Africa. Thus, you KNOW the health care in Ghana is a joke. You know it Dr. Mills! You consider it a joke and, that is why you don’t use it. My plea to you is to GET TO WORK. Stop drinking tea and, be willing to get your hands dirty so that we can get REAL CHANGE! We are suffering more than ever before!