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Opinions of Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

How the Current Corruptible Ashanti Chiefs Have Ruined their People

...and the Region

Which of the current Ashanti chiefs is not corrupt? He who among them that is not corrupt should stand up and declare so in honour of GOD, and in honour bound to their people, the lesser gods, the departed souls and the very stools they occupy.

Being intrinsically corrupt, some of these chiefs have actively, although secretly, involved themselves in politics contrary to the operational Chieftaincy Act in place restricting them from such behaviours.

I do not support the ban on chiefs or admonition to the chiefs and queens not to involve themselves in active politics. They are equally Ghanaians like anyone else or any other Ghanaian. Why then the ban placed on them? It is for the sake of not being personally side-lined or their areas of jurisdiction not being neglected by the government in power if the side they supported never won the election. This is the main reason why they are admonished to play neutrality, not leaning to the left or the right but staying in the middle in order not to incur the wrath of the President or party in power.

It is obvious, most of the Ashanti chiefs, being “foodians” with their bellies going before them, have become bedfellows with the NDC party and government. What is a “foodian”, one may enquire? It is a term that we used to employ to describe those that eat much, when we were growing up as pupils. So a “foodian” in effect is a voracious or a gluttonous person.

In attempts to satisfy their selfish insatiable greed, these chiefs have sold their conscience, birthright, and the status quo of their tribe to the current Mahama NDC-led government for obvious acceptance of bribe. At least I know, and have heard of some of them accepting SUV range cars from John Mahama prior to Election 2012. Now, Mahama having bought these so-called chiefs, secured them away in his stinking pocket, has decided to punish the Ashantis, showing them where real “wo be te wo peega” power lies. How many of the Ashantis are in his tribally-inclined government? How many are among his so far appointed ambassadors?

Are the Ashantis not also Ghanaians? What are the chiefs doing about this blatant subjugation of the Ashantis if indeed; they represent the interests of their people? Do they mean to tell me they do not care a hoot about the rest of the Ashantis once they, as individuals, have got or are able to get what they want from the government? If this is their view, then they are in for a big trouble at the hands of Rockson, that wise and fearless guy from Kumawu/Asiampa. I shall not spare them the rod to spoil them but whip them blue and black if need be.

To be honest with the chiefs, I have lost total respect for them. They are elders to whom tradition obliges me as a subject to pay homage to. However, certain irresponsible behaviours of theirs, one of which has been mentioned above, have obliterated my entire respect for them. They can regain my respect by behaving responsibly from today forward.

I do not care how they will feel. I shall tell them the truth, what they must know and hear but not what they want to hear.

The late Professor President J.E.A. Mills introduced a tentative pilot “Capitation Healthcare Scheme” in the Ashanti region. Were his motives behind the implementation of the scheme plausible? If they were, why are some healthcare providers not accepting the policy subsequent upon which many otherwise preventive deaths are occurring at an alarming rate among the Ashanti region patients? To better bring home the point I am making, please spare me a moment to define capitation healthcare as quoted from WIKIPEDIA.

“Capitation is a payment arrangement for health care service providers such as physicians or nurse practitioners. It pays a physician or group of physicians a set amount for each enrolled person assigned to them, per period of time, whether or not that person seeks care. These providers generally are contracted with a type of health maintenance organization (HMO) known as an independent practice association (IPA), which enlists the providers to care for HMO-enrolled patients. The amount of remuneration is based on the average expected health care utilization of that patient, with greater payment for patients with significant medical history. Rates are also affected by age, race, sex, type of employment, and geographical location, as these factors typically influence the cost of providing care”.

Many bad things have been happening to the inhabitants of Ashanti region yet; our chiefs do not give them much attention once such happenings have nothing adversely to do with their protruding “sikadicious” bellies. They care just about themselves but I care about the people in the region and in Ghana. This is where we draw the line and I assure them if they do not backtrack voluntarily, the citizens will take to attitudes that will beat them back.

The chiefs should not deceive themselves thinking Ashantis are not wise enough to have noticed their wickedness towards them. They have seen it long ago and the storm is gathering in a form of deadly hurricane in the oceans to come to torment them.

Tune in to the publications by Rockson and Sources radio UK FM96.3 and Online for more info on the Ashanti chiefs and how they have let us down. More series to follow where I will treat them with kid’s gloves, no insults but telling the absolute truth that will shame them.


The truth hurts but it brings comfort in the end.

Rockson Adofo