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Opinions of Monday, 26 August 2013

Columnist: Boakye, Yaw

How to manage brain dran & youth un- employment

By virtue of being born into humanity, all human beings have the right to the development and fulfilment of their potentials as human beings. There are natural inclinations for mankind to satisfy three basic needs in life, Safety, Love and Freedom Of Expression, aside these, needs are wants like, beautiful flowers, expensive clothing you name them. Creativity, Research, Innovation and Development (CRID) are tools I will recommend to any organisational structure, if sustainable developments were to be earmarked.
Self esteem and actualisations are proactive elements in life, hence, the mass movements of people from developed world like Japan and USA to other developed nations morally to satisfy need and wants. Is it not strange therefore, for Ghanaians of all age groups to opt for greener pastures in developed continents, where perceived sustainable structures, blended with economic and social justice are better instituted? Is it unthinkable to examine Japanese youths move en mass for Tourism, Research and other Ethical Reasons in Europe?
Human migration will never cease because, effective social mobility and interactions stimulates physical, psychosocial, emotional, and cognitive components in human beings. In return, migration compliments, the exchange of accumulated experiences, enlightenment, education and enterprise which enhances lives in most habitats especially, where economic and political capital co-exists [-]= (Effective social cohesion / mobility)
The upward surge in trends of Ghanaian intellectuals, trained in Ghana who migrates to other countries to get better conditions of services, such as, financial remunerations, accommodation, cars, computers etc incurs huge socio-economic challenges to the Ghanaian government. Stacked choices and decisions have to be made by human beings in lifestyle, Quality Education, Employment, Empowerment, Enterprise, Enlightenment, Entertainment, Electability and Equity etc what I bonded as (8Es), my core community organising components.
Skilled middles class are on high demanded in most developed nations and naturally take their brains & physical abilities along with them; a condition popularly known in Morden jargon as, “BRAIN DRAIN” !!! The big question is, do intellectuals migrate, with their brains with them? Certainly not, thanks to *TECHNOLOGY*a key component of STEMICs. STEMICs is the eppilis of Science + Technology +Engineering+ Mathematics +Innovation/ Information + Communication skills & systems. STEMICs, makes effective communication possible where ever we are, we could be on Mars or Jupiter and still share, acquired experiences, with people and systems anywhere - innovatively.
The*INTERNET* with*INNOVATIVE APPs* has made the whole universe a SMALL GLOBAL VILLAGE! Standing ovation for Sir Timothy John "Tim" Berners-Lee Steve Jobs , Bill Gates & Mark Zuckerber, just to mention a few, for projecting their visions with Pace, Power, Passion & Precision. (4Ps),
Today we can transmit Giga amount of data or information within seconds, thanks to all “internet innovators, providers & protectors “ Implying, Governments in Ghana and Africa, can Strategise, Organise & Prioritises Policies (SOPP) to ENCOURAGE and MOTIVATE, INTELLECTUALS ABROAD to IMPART their (Skills, Knowledge & Expertise) to the Youth in a “Cost- Efficient & Effective way”! (CEEW) .Education+ Employment + Empowerment + Enterprise + Enlightenment + Equity +Electability + Entertainment (8Es), in my opinion, is the innovative way forward. I started projecting 6Es / 8Es on some social platforms, with the nick name *Conventional Youth* in the late 1990’s. Thanks to Sir Marcus Ampadu, Joojo Wilson and Okyere Darko who saw some light in my crazy proclamations on, Ghana web and encouraged me to make agitations about 8Es.

The current Government should take advantage of the pillars in *8Es* to manage GHANA’s SEVERE YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT, UNENTERPRISE, together with it’s MANPOWER AND BRAIN DRAIN (GSYUU & MABDS) SYNDROMES * Ghana’s anti social mess does not justify social justice. Ghana is endowed with enormous natural resources. Ghana should have CRIDed it’s Deliberate Sustainable Socio-Economic Structure s by now. Why can’t Ghana Boldly forecast any ‘Effective Community Development Structuring’ as at now? I overheard a Legon H/R personnel struggling with admission process a week ago, barely two weeks to their matriculation ceremony. Why are all economic administrative decisions centralised in Accra and DCE’s still being appointed today? 8)

Professional Footballers from Ghana, Brazil and Nigeria like the Asamoah Gyan, Nymur, And Obi Mikel ….. just to mention a few, plays for professional clubs outside their country of origin. On a positive note, Teams like Real Madrid, Manchester United and the irks, are huge assets for the markets and their soccer fans as a whole. The CRID behind their success stories are their administrative structures; naturally top Clubs attracts excellent players and ardent fans not by chance, the big issue is, do these indigenous professional footballers, who play overseas, receive the similar incentives as medical practitioners who practice overseas? That is your ‘CRID’ to fish out! My puzzle is, when these professional footballers are released to play for their national teams, they get paid by their countries and their prospective clubs despite exposures, enhanced skills and experience in their civil right, right? =D
My argument is, no matter how small, intellectuals, who have migrated overseas must be paid some allowances especially if, they opt to stimulate or support (8Es) Programs and Projects. Let’s us encourage a revolution that make STEMICs sense! OPEN UNIVERSITIEs, VOCATIONAL AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Systems must not just be a dream but an accomplished wish!!! I would like to see Ghanaian Professors lecturing in say Cambridge University, pass on their knowledge, skills & expertise via Video- conferencing, radio or television broadcasts to our promising youths. These lectures can be done simultaneously with CAPE COAST UNI,LEGON, K-POLY / KUMASI MAGAZINE, KNUST etc and CAVAS from their offices and hubs in say, UK, US or JAPAN for a small, but MOTIVATING FEE (MF), when there are urgent national assignments, like their football counterparts, after all, public servants receives per diem when they undertake duties outside their arenas.
Let inspire and motivate interprofessional collaborations. Our Deliberate objectives and Appraisals would Encourage and Commit many Brains to contribute diligently toward Ghana’s National Development. Government should introduce little incentives for the time and efforts spent for skills Transfer & Impartation. Let us Overturn THE CULTURE OF BRAIN DRAIN TO THE MODEL OF CRITICAL BRAIN EXCHANGE. IT IS STEMICs TIME (OTCOBD <3 TMOCBE.IIST) !!!
Let’s all Innovate, wake up Governments and Spread Exclusive STEMIC Environment for Sustainable Development Across Board! . STEMICs ALL THE WAY!!!*
<3 YB 8)
Yaw Boakye