Opinions of Monday, 10 January 2022
Columnist: Edem Joshua Gbetey
2022-01-10How to overcome in 2022
Growing spiritually in 2022
Spiritual growth: scripture reference, Luke 1:80, so the child grew and
become strong in the spirit and was in the desert till the day of his
appearance before Israel.
Let us pursue to grow spiritually, as the success of the physical victory
depends solely on the spiritual health of any individual.
How to grow spiritually:
Mental transformation: gaining and sustaining a superior belief system
that can defeat
Read full article.beliefs that contradict the will and the purpose of God
for our lives. Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world but be
ye transformed through the renewal of your mind, that you may prove
that which is good, acceptable and perfect will of God, Galatians 4:19.
My little children in whom I travail until Christ be formed in you.
Feeding on the word of God delibetely, John 6:63 : it is the spirit that
gives life but the fresh profits nothing, the words that I speak to you
are spirit and life.
Hunt for prayer: Luke 22: 43 the angel appeared to him and
strengthened Him(Jesus) . On our daily strive towards our goals, we
may be weary but by the application of prayer, we are empowered by
God’s Devine nature.
Fasting at least a day in a week: matt. 17:21 this kind goeth not
except by prayer and fasting, all other efforts may not be able to
compel some challenges in our lives but by the addition of fasting,
they are able to get them defeated.
Knowing your seed and your bread.(financial progress)
Corinthians 9:10 Now May he who supplies seed to the sower and
bread for food supply and multiply the seeds you have sown…
Everything that comes to us being incomes, gifts in a monetary nature,
contains a seed and a bread.
Bread is that part of our money values that are used to satisfy our
current hunger.
Seed is that part of our money values that are used to satisfy our
future hunger.
Therefore eating and the using up of our seed together with our bread
today makes us go hungry tomorrow, and sowing our bread for today
together with our seed will also make us suffer hunger now , hence
the need to always differentiate and allocate them accordingly in
order to save now and the future. Seeds are always small but when
they are passed through the process of sowing and growth, they are
harvested in multiples.
Responding to your health:
As the saying goes: a sound mind lives in a sound body, so don’t pretend
to be okay even when sickness is eating you up, do not pretend to be
satisfied whilst you are hungry, Jesus cursed the fig tree because he was
hungry, mark 11: 12. Anything that happens to the ordinary men can
equally happen to us hence, the need to respond accordingly although
we are of Devine nature. If you need assistance please say I need
assistance, every blessing comes from God through men to mem,
therefore request the assistance of men when it becomes necessary.
4. Relationship
Prov. 13: 20, He who walks with wise men will be Wise too but the
companion of the fools shall be destroyed.
Psalms 1:1…. Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the
ungodly nor stands in the path of sinners nor in the seat of the
Let us therefore surround ourselves with positive minded people who
can help us attain the stature of firmness, leading to the manifestation
of our victory in the Lord.
Purpose for the year:
The first purpose we must not forget is anything the will of God.
John 9: 4 I must work the work of he that sent me while it is day,
the night is coming when no one can work.
b. Purpose for our destiny and career.
Habakkuk 2: 2 -3 then the Lord answered me and said: write
down the vision (the purpose) and make it plain on tablets, that
it may run who reads it.3. for the vision is an appointed Time but
at the end it will speak and it will not lie. Though it tarries or
delays, wait for it, Because it will surely come to pass, it will not
Let us therefore set targets for the year and made them known
to God in prayer, and God will watch over his words according to
the above scripture and then perform all to His own Glory.
Winston Churchill once said: ' He who fails to plan has plan to
fail” let us plan well so that God will use such plans as mediums
to bless us.
God bless us and make us grow stronger and stronger as King
David to overcome all oppositions in this year.