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Opinions of Friday, 15 October 2010

Columnist: Donkor, Samuel

How virtuous and Hospitable is the Ghanaian today?

-rather very
ego-centric and without virtue

by Samuel

Once upon a time, before the second republic,the nation Ghana was noted for her
moral values, disciplined society,spirituality and virtuousness; a people of
intelligence and wisdom, hard working, communually spirited and noted to have
the best civil service, high educational standards, best health service delivery
system, a disciplined Armed Forces and Police service and a better
infrastructure in black Africa, is today a demoralised and fragmented nation.

The people have become devalued in morals and spirituality and have become
rather very ego-centric and without virtues. Their once envied hospitality
values, fellow feelings, compassion, close external family ties and that virtue
of being a brother's keeper, are all missing in the Ghanaian today.
These attitudinal changes and non commitment to patriotism, nationalism and
traditional and religious values, is the basis for the present economic and
social ruins the nation is experiencing and which is also at the mercy of
today's global economic dictates, without any hope of salvaging it.

The loss of these values in the Ghanaian today and the present economic mess,
coupled with under development, is also the result of the Ghanaian crave for
quick riches and material gains through whatever means, hook or crook.This has
led the people becoming so greedy and unscrupulous in whatever they do. Honesty,
fairness, justice,circumspection and moral values are things of the past.

In this quest for quick riches, wealth and public fame, the Ghanaian has become
so self-centered that, his actions and behaviors, without circumspection and a
sense of humane, is shown in whatever he does.There is therefore the tendencies
of overacting, which many at times interfere public interest and also violate
individual interest and human rights one way or the other. These are some of the
causes of indiscipline, lawlessness, disorder and corruption rampart in the
present system of things.
Today the youth have no idea about moral values, civic responsibilities,
patriotism and other social values, like etiquette and public manners etc,
because they are no more taught in the schools. The present behaviors of the
people, both young and old in public, shows the long years of neglecting social
and traditional values, which has led this nation into disorder and lawlessness.

The absence of these values and the ego-centric life-style of the Ghanaian will
continue to retard progress in development if this behavior is not changed. It
is a product of Greed and the cause of corruption and mismanagement with a
negative impact on development.

Today, Ghana needs a new type of personality, a dedicated, selfless, patriotic,
spiritual, compassionate, pragmatic and incorruptible.
A personality who is committed to nationalism, moral values, achievements and
supportive to positive national agenda.
For a better Ghana agenda to succeed, there should be intensive exercise by the
center for civic education to educate the public on moral values and civic
responsibilities, likewise in the schools, like in the 1st republic.The nation
Ghana needs a re-shaping exercise,to borrow this phrase from Oman FM. In the
absence of any positive pragmatic national exercise to re-shape this nation's
mind-set, behavior and life-style to pro-activism and patriotism, this country
will remain where it is or head for doom.

I write you the truth, 'Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, For whatever a
man soweth, that shall he also reap'.

' Be Vege, Go Green 2 Save the Planet'.
Samuel Donkor. email: [email protected] Mob. 233 242 809352