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Opinions of Friday, 6 September 2013

Columnist: Ayeboafo, Yaw Awuah Boadu

Humble Advice to All NPP Supporters

We collectively share the disappointment and frustration of the election’s petition judgment but we should be encouraged about the future.

As we reflect on the summary of the seemingly arbitrary judgment, wait for the full judgment, weigh our options and prepare to elect new leaders. It's important we close our ranks, allow civility and limit intra party rivalry.

Let us stand up for Nana Akuffo-Addo and all our fore-bearers for their unflinching commitment to our party and nation. It's so sad the integrity, quality and service of such a gem, Nana Akuffo-Addo, is denied the nation under the most irregularity-laden elections in our nation's history.

It’s heart breaking our Supreme Court has arbitrary glossed over the irregularities with flagrant disregard of the constitution of Ghana. We are disappointed but not discouraged in the future quest of our party to bring real change and the development we can all share and believe in.

We hope as a party we elect leaders with a major consideration of winning the national elections in 2016. Let us do this limiting intra party rivalry and being civil to all potential aspirants. We have bitter previous contests to guide us all.

We should remember that after the contest we would need each other to confront the NDC. How we conduct ourselves during the upcoming internal campaign will impact on our unity, cohesion and readiness to take power from the NDC in 2016.

Let us reflect and elect candidates with one major consideration-one of our own-who can lead us to win power.

We should limit our differences in religion, ethnicity and social status. Let's note we only allow these differences to influence us, where it can help us as a party to collectively win. Let us see ourselves first as NPP people before considering our religious, ethnic and economic difference. We knew of our differences before deciding to join the NPP.

Let's note the NDC hate us not because of our ethnicity or religious difference but because of the allegiance, values and principles we share as members of the NPP. There is a deep cry for UNITY if we are to rise above our common foe.

Let's note the NDC with all purposes and intentions will unleash her well-oiled propaganda machinery in seeking to divide our ranks as we prepare to elect new leaders. They'll stop at nothing to remember us and negatively exploit or use our ethnic, religious and economic differences to their advantage.

Let's remember, a divided NPP is only an advantage to the selfish interest of the NDC.

As a party let us allow the voting pattern of Ghanaians guide us as we prepare to elect new leaders to our collective advantage as one party-NPP.

Let us remember we're in politics not religion. Our success should manifest in real electoral victories but not in future soul salvation as in religion.

Let us begin to think wide and at times selfishly as a group and see how we can exploit our collective diversity.

Let us encourage civility and sobriety in the days and years ahead.

Yaw Awuah Boadu Ayeboafo [email protected] Tepa-Ashanti

NB: I’m not Mr Yaw Boadu-Ayeboafo of Graphic and neither do I have any family relationship with him.