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Opinions of Sunday, 13 May 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Hurrah! Former First Lady Mrs Rawlings strips NDC of the Umbrella Logo

In the wake of the NDC suffering persistent confusion with looming disintegration staring the party in the face, the Woyomes within are too blind to see. Those I refer to as the Woyomes are the illusionists within the party who continue to believe otherwise when in reality imminent defeat stares them ominously in the face. Like Alfred Agbesi Woyome who is holding on to the unshaken belief of escaping justice regarding the money, he has dubiously taken from Ghana, so are the NDC. Many NDC with the President inclusive are oblivious of the reality and are completely ignorant about the sufferings of Ghanaians. They have their heads completely buried in the sand like the proverbial ostrich while their surroundings are suffering unprecedented conflagration.

The NDC party was not built on any solid intellectual foundation but on roguish principles aimed at impoverishing the rich to make them same as the poor in society. That was the cardinal philosophy behind the abortive May 15, 1979 and the successful June 4, 1979 revolutions spearheaded by Flt. Lt. J.J. Rawlings. Rogues of all shapes and forms rallied behind the military junta to inflict vindictive persecutions on discerning Ghanaians. The leaders of the party rewarded misfits and party sycophants with Ministerial and other government appointments. The bizarre trend of affairs has continued within the NDC from the days of former President J.J. Rawlings to the regime of His Excellency President John Evans Mills. They always fail to see the reality. They continually avail themselves of the loopholes in the system, intimidating the governed and playing on the intelligence of the less intelligent in the society, to enrich them.

Everything is evident that the majority of the NDC still live in the era of the 1980s where the rogues under the PNDC regime could get away with their wish, committing blue murder. Time has changed so much but the NDC once again are desirous to turn back the clock to those horrible days where they had the unfettered right to suppress anyone as and when they decided.

Mrs. Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings is pursuing the NDC about the party's umbrella logo. She needs it for her future bid on the presidency. The NDC now have their nose itching and twitching irritably. Many from the NDC including Asiedu Nketiah have declared their stance on the issue. The NDC have connived with Alfred Agbesi Woyome to steal money from Ghana. Taking Ghanaians for unprecedented gargantuan fools, the State Attorneys are exhibiting incompetence coupled with party sycophancy to set Woyome free. They keep requesting adjournments of the case to the annoyance of the trial judgment just to secure Woyome a default judgment.

I will not suffer the NDC kindly this time around. The invisible hand of the Invincible God has boldly written the defeat of the NDC in indelible ink across the sky regarding the impending December 7, 2012 elections. However, like any animal in throes of dying, the NDC are resisting the predicted end of their regime by taking to ridiculous acts. Whatever they do, their demise is imminent, with the help of Nana Konadu Agyemang and FONKAR.

The NDC party is imploding. What a perfect scenario of "Things fall apart the centre cannot hold". Gargantuan corruption, reckless spewing of insults, incompetence and lies have all unified into a bulldozer to crush the NDC into minced meat come December 7, 2012.

There is no way I will allow the NDC to rig the elections by taking undue advantage of the biometric registration and the subsequent remote electronic voting. I will not disclose how I will thwart any such attempts by them but I will.

Rockson Adofo