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Opinions of Sunday, 4 February 2018

Columnist: Issah Fuseini

I.C Quaye must do something about Hajj board or else

Sheikh I.C Quaye Sheikh I.C Quaye

Hajj 2017 ended successfully last year leaving many Ghanaians with wonderful moments to chew about. Many who participated in the Hajj exposed the virtues of the organisers especially the Chairman Hon IC Quaye. That notwithstanding there were challenges and still are challenges which needs urgent attention. There is a saying that "It is not the homeless, mentally ill or extremely cunning people that we have to be afraid of. When someone loses everything that meant something to them is when people should get very afraid. A person that has nothing to lose is the scariest person on earth."

It would be recalled that prior to the airlifting of pilgrims for the 2017 Hajj, there were worrying developments that greeted the communications department of the Board. They were grave enough to compel the Communications Director to issue a disclaimer on a lady who was at the center of the controversy and creating problems for many on the Board. To refresh your memories, the lady in question is by name Mariam Cissey. She's once been cited for verbally abusing then running mate to then opposition party now the vice Prez Alhaji Dr Mahamudu Bawumia and Spouse. This same lady was with the former Hajj Board headed by Hon Tanko under the NDC era. She was brought on board due to her affiliation to the NDC. In fact, she was responsible for determining and selecting media houses friendly to then government for their inclusion and participation in Hajj.

Again, her sister is married to Hon Tanko the former Hajj Board Chairman. Many argue that she's a spy to the current Hajj Board. Many are those who linked the pockets of brouhaha that greeted the board in Makkah last year to her. One of the videos which made the rounds on the social media appeared to have emanated from the house she was accommodated. Many Board members are worried about the troubles her inclusion as a deputy communications director to the board is causing.

It would be recalled that during the brouhaha where a disclaimer was issued to the media disowning her and cautioning the media from disengaging her by Ar Gomda, a committee was set up to investigate the issues. Deep throat sources within the Hajj Board says it was resolved that she be asked to step aside first thing after the return from Hajj. Another year is here and she's yet to be asked to step aside. Very soon another Hajj processes is to kick start leaving this issue pending.

How long must the Chairman IC Quaye drag his feet on a mere and simple matter of allowing the NDC lady on the Hajj board to go? The Hajj Board was formed because the NPP won power of 2016. There shall be new Hajj Board if the actions and inactions of some members compel the youth of the NPP to hang their boots.

Issues like this breeds anger and frustrations within the youths of the NPP. The party is barely a year now in Government. Many of the teaming youths whose efforts brought the party in power are still home. Yet a certain NDC lady is occupying a place which could have been occupied by equally competent NPP activists.

It is the hope that Hon IC Quaye will act on his own committee to humbly allow Mariam Cissey to bow out of the Hajj Board communications department and have nothing to do with Hajj board. As voice for the voiceless teaming youth of the NPP nationwide, it is duty bound on me to bring to the attention of Hon IC Quaye and the Hajj Board about the anger of the grassroots of the NPP whose efforts brought the party back into power 2016.

Hon as a man of his words must act now on the findings of his own committee. Failure to doing so may incur the wrath of the youth the NPP.