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Opinions of Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Columnist: Koudjoe, Francis K.

I Have News For Nana Akufo- Addo And The NPP……

Nana Akufo-Addo and the NPP are running from their own shadow, hahahahahaha. Nana Akufo-Addo is accusing President Mills and the National Democratic Congress(NDC) of vilification, insults, fabrication and concoction against him, but nothing can stop him. This is interesting. This is what I call desperation on the part of Nana Addo. Before I continue, I would like Nana Akufo-Addo to know that desperation is a silent killer. In as much as we don’t want him as president of this country, we wouldn’t like to lose him through desperation. It’s rather unfortunate that Nana Akufo-Addo used such words against the president and the NDC because they are not true. The president and the NDC don’t vilify, insult, fabricate or concoct. These words should rather be directed to Nana Akufo-Addo and the NPP.

Look at Kennedy Agyapong who is hopping from one radio station to the other like a grasshopper verbally assaulting the president, his own colleague MPs, and other important personalities, instead of concentrating on parliamentary affairs. Kennedy Agyapong was calling people names, describing and comparing people with corpse. Meanwhile, I don’t know how handsome Kennedy is. He, Kennedy Agyapong should rather compare Sammy Awuku with a corpse instead of Mr. Quashigah. Anyway, I will deal with Kennedy Agyapong on a different level later. The NDC do not engage in politics of insult, Nana Addo should know better. You know, sometimes people forget what Jesus said in the Bible that, instead of removing the log in your eye first, you ignore it and rather try to remove the tinny speck in another person’s eye. This is exactly the hypocritical attitude Nana Addo and the NPP are portraying to Ghanaians.

I want to tell Nana Akufo-Addo that, as far as I am concern, the National Democratic Congress(NDC) do not fabricate, neither do they concoct stories. They go by facts. Now, can Nana Akufo-Addo tell me or Ghanaians for that matter that, all of the allegations which he claimed to be fabrications and concoctions leveled against him by the NDC, which of them has he come out clearly to deny or disprove? Has he denied being a wee smoker? Has he denied being a drug pusher? Has he denied being a womanizer? Has he denied fondling an employee of GBC? (This subject will be address in detail separately). Has he denied urinating on the wall of a mosque? Are these questions fabrications and concoctions? My dear people, answer for yourselves. All I know is that, silence means consent and since Nana Addo has not come out to deny any of these allegations, means he has consented to them, period.

This is why Nana Akufo- Addo and the NPP must give Ghanaians a break with their lies and stop attacking the president. Instead of them to come out with a campaign message, they are going about trying to destroy the peace of the country. In fact, Nana Akufo-Addo has nothing to offer Ghana. The fact that, his father was a top politician does not give him the audacity to force his way to the seat of governance. Nana Addo said, President Mill has weak performance. Ei Nana Addo, at least, I know one thing President Mills did even before he became president, and that is, the Value Added Tax (VAT) was introduced through his hard work. How was your performance under Kuffour? What policy did you or have you introduced in this country. Even, when you were in parliament, what did you do. You could not even take care of your constituency properly, how much more the whole country. Your poor performance in the Kuffour corrupt administration is a clear indication that, you cannot lead this country. We don’t want Ghana’s name to be changed to Colombia. President Mills is doing his possible best to redeem the image of Ghana which Nana Akufo-Addo and the NPP had dragged into the mud as far as the drug trade is concern.

Kudos, President Mills on the Better Ghana Agenda. More grease to your joints and more push to your elbows.

Long live the NDC, Long live mother Ghana.


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