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Opinions of Thursday, 14 August 2014

Columnist: Dabbousi, Fadi

I am disgusted about Alan and his scamps

By: Fadi Samih Dabbousi
Today, I am saddened by the loss of sense, direction and focus that Alan Kyeremanteng’s people are suffering. The terrorism that emanates from the hate speeches of wash-hogs from Alan’s camp has gone beyond forgiveness. In fact, I call on former Mr Ambassador, Trade Minister, to call his tramps to order because the massive vilification of Nana Akufo-Addo only exposes the former’s motive at destroying the latter, which, really, is an effort in futility.
Mr Kyeremanteng, the sad news is we all know that your agenda of forcibly creating the notion that Nana is unhealthy is, actually, a reflection of your status. “SaCut Amenga-Etego or Amenga-Etego, Akaabitono SaCut”, a supposed new kid on your bloc, has also joined the smear campaign. Thankfully, the negative effect it is having on your filthy campaign is obvious. Your jealousy of NAADA is a spiritual disease that you need exorcism of.
“SaCut Amenga-Etego”, or whatever your name is, you call yourself a Political Journalist & Ghost writer, but why the ghost writer if you are not a coward canine with false teeth?
I am elated at the fact that most delegates see Nana Akufo-Addo as a GOD send to exhume us all from the pit that John Mahama and his NDC have buried Ghanaians in alive and instead of playing a respectful game of politics, you choose to mud-sling the one man who has brought honour to Ghana and NPP in recent times.
Well, I cannot say much because replying stupidity is a stupid waste of time and effort, which I would rather channel into other avenues to propel Nana into the forefront, where he already is anyway.
As for you Alan Kyeremanteng, the less said about you the healthier. I cannot believe that you will stoop so low as to flagrantly expose your hatred for your master, Nana Akufo-Addo. The issue of health is not a guarantee and forcing sickness on anyone will certainly have a mirror effect on you, let alone someone whom the masses deem has been sent Ghanaians by Holy and divine ordinance.
“SaCut Amenga-Etego”, you are a pathetic liar. Can’t you see the blue-black cheeks of your bone supplier, Alan, who is suffering the effects of bleaching? Have you not being told of his deteriorating health. Anyway, we are admonished by Nana not to touch on the health issues of adversaries and I will end my chastisement of you here but let me never see you and Katakyie around because I will tell it to you as it is to the hearing of all when you least expect embarrassment.
Alan is finished as far as NPP is concerned. He resigned and never officially came back. Delegates are watching.

By: Fadi Dabbousi
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