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Opinions of Saturday, 30 July 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

I dare President Mahama to invoke Article 72 to free 'Montie 3'

I have read some of the views expressed by certain Ghanaians for and against President Mahama invoking Article 72 as enshrined in Ghana’s 1992 Constitution to free the three Montie FM would-be murderers. The idea to invoke the Article was first mooted by one Law Professor Asare in the United States and seconded by many educated-illiterates in Ghana.

I am not going to spend much precious time writing extensive explanations to dispute the view put across by the Professor and his teeming supporters because my time is up to go to bed. However, I shall put across a brief explanation as to why I disagree with their ostentatious view which is completely devoid of substance.

Yes, the Supreme Court cannot be a player and at the same time an umpire. It cannot preside over its own case, so the learned Law Professor and his bunch of supporters are alleging hence their ill-advice to the President to invoke Article 72.

Was it not the duty of the Attorney General to have caused the arrest and prosecution of the trio when an element of criminality was detected in their on air threatening effusions? In the absence of the Attorney General living up to the expectations of her duties because of she having politicised her office and therefore supports the NDC and its machinations in toto, what do those clamouring for the release of the would-be trio murderers expect the Supreme Court to do? Did you expect the Supreme Court judges to sit on their arse without acting until they have been exterminated by these idiots?

They claimed to know the addresses of the judges and where they live. They mentioned a diehard criminal who was ready to marry the Chief Justice by force when the time of their assault on the judges come. They asked them to look back to the fate of the three High Court judges captured, murdered and burnt by some PNDC fanatics on 30th June 1982. They were threatening the judges so that they could not perform their duties as they should, as regards Abu Ramadam and Nimoako vs the EC on the NHIS voter-registrants.

With all these said on air, demeaning the judges and the Office of the Supreme Court, some people still expected the Supreme Court not to act until some judges have been murdered before they act. They claim the trio had no means of carrying out their threats. This is crap!

Go to any of the US airports with a holdall bag today and start running around shouting and saying you have explosives in your holdall bag that you will detonate within seconds whereas you actually have nothing, and see what will happen to you. You will be fortunate if you were not shot dead instantly without anyone bothering to arrest you to check the bag. Again, come to any of the Western European countries and claim to be a terrorist with connection to the Daesh and see what will happen to you although you may be lying. In both instances, you will be arrested, prosecuted and jailed if you were lucky not to be shot dead.

In the two cited instances, the claimant may be lying and is without the means to carry out the threat yet the person will surely be jailed. If anyone doubts me, I suggest Professor Asare goes to any of the American airports or any of their shopping malls and does as I have suggested to see what will happen to him. Therefore, arguing that those people had no means to execute the threat hence they must be set free is not any sound argument to me. Moreover, accusing the Supreme Court of being the police, prosecutor, judge and jury is neither here nor there.

When the Attorney General colludes with the NDC to not perform her duty same as she has done in the case involving Alex Agbesi Woyome, the Ghanaian swindler of the 21st Century, do you expect the judges to keep mute only to react after they have been murdered? Will that not be an error of judgment; and had I known which is always at last? Is it not said, “Once bitten twice shy”?

Be it known to those educated-illiterates protesting against the President’s failure to exercise his presidential prerogative to free the Montie FM trio contemnors that a president can be jailed by a Justice of the Court if the President falls foul of the law, thus, commits a grievous crime against the State, his presidential immunity notwithstanding. The President has powers to do certain things but not everything. The President like any other ordinary person in the country is also under the law.

The trio are known to be NDC party members working for the interests of the President. This was said by Salifu Maase alias Mugabe when he went on air bragging a day after he had been summoned to appear before the Supreme Court. Mugabe went on air inciting not only the NDC members but also, the members of his northern extraction. He was seeking to bring about civil war and yet, some idiots are saying his punishment is harsh. To me, his punishment is too lenient but as in all contempt cases, he cannot be punished more than that.

There is an issue of conflict of interest faced by President Mahama here. The boys were working for him and he knows that very well. Let us see what he will do. He had better not dare invoke Article 72 as being suggested by some NDC protesters and blockheads including Kofi Adams.

The change that is coming has started now! The time of NDC and President Mahama in government is coming to an end and these are some of the signs.

Good night!

Rockson Adofo
(Written on Thursday 28 July 2016)
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