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Opinions of Saturday, 1 April 2017

Columnist: Hanan, Azindoo Abdul

I got into politics to (nail) Rawlings down - Rejoinder

Former President J.J Rawlings Former President J.J Rawlings

By: Azindoo Abdul Hanan

The above caption, was reported and widely published by so many media houses, purported to have been made by Mr. Mustapha Amid, the information minster of the NPP government. When I saw the caption , I quickly clicked it , to read what this guy harboured long time until now when he became a minister.

Going through the reportage, it quoted him as having nurtured his ambition to do politics, because of his father, who was exiled due to H.E JJ Rawlings doings .That he was a child then, and couldn't make out what happened to his father's exil sojourn .

Mr. Mustapha Hamid, you've just exposed your innate intention to go into politics and that's to nail JJ Rawlings down. But sorry, the story is that your childhood dream of nailing H.E Rawlings, will never see the light of the day, it shall never pass the equally young and capable loyalists of JJ Rawlings. If your aim , is to nail JJ Rawlings, in your current portfolio, get ready for a storm and a hellfire.

I will treat this report and your rants with a pinch of salt and a day dreamer, who's trying to shout out for attraction and fame. Such hidden motives of the calibre of Hamid shall never materialize and will forever be a wish and a wet dream.

Mr.Hamid, failed woefully, to tell his audience, his father's crime,but only mentioned his exile tales. He could have done himself and like- minded Ghanaians some good, if he had gone further, to narrate the reasons his father bolted out of the country, during the revolution days.

Cherished readers, can vividly, recall how the revolution came about.To hint a bit, It came about as a result of a rotten system, widespread injustices within our country, rampant (Kalabule), and corruption, which breeded anger, inequality , hopelessness and dejection amongst the ordinary Ghanaians.

There was, therefore, a call from the helpless Ghanaians, to save the country and its people from the injustices and corruption that were the order of the day. The loud and chorus voices wept and wept for saccor and salvation to no avail, until a young man, was bold to take up the risk to save the helpless and the downtrodden in our villages, in our markets and in our streets, to help them gain freedoms and peace.

Mr. Hamid's father, might have been of one of the oppressors and had to take to his heels to avoid the probity and accountability. This is just the reason his father bolted .

I would advise the young minister, to break and reflect. He shouldn't bite more than he can chew.He should use his energy to shape the information ministry to a standard one and make it perform its duties properly. His ministry is under performing its constitutional mandates ,to educate and inform Ghanaians about national issues of important. His ministry, is wobbling behind to educate Ghanaians about pandemic disease in our county, drug abuse, teenage pregnancy, galamsay, armed robbery, students acultism ,rape and suicides .

These are the challenges for him. He should tackle those challengeable national disaster than playing to the galCherished