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Opinions of Monday, 25 January 2016

Columnist: Bombande, Emmanuel

I have a long memory

Folks,good day to you all. Once again I sincerely apologize for my inconsistencies on this platform. Work & time has kept me very busy as usual.Anyway, I bring you greetings from Japan this time around.

A sensational matter that nearly rocked the ruling party to it's foundation was uncovered by no less a person than "citizen vigilante"Martin Amidu,the former Attorney General. I guess many of you are shocked some if us can still recall this issue.

According to Martin Amidu,the late President Mills set up a committee of enquiry to investigate the acquisition of some aircrafts for the Armed Forces negotiated by vice President, now President of the republic of Ghana[John Dramani Mahama].Comrades, as soon as the buttocks of the vice President was glued onto the highest seat of the land in the name of fulfilling the constitution, the POWERS THAT BE automatically halted the body that was formed to uncover the mystery surrounding the purchase of the aircrafts.I have a long memory so six years down the line,I'm able to recall this issue.

Yes,-I have a long memory. I have a long memory so I'm able to remember the sad SADA story. Kudos to Manasseh Azure Awuni for his immense contribution towards the opening of the "anal sphinters" of those SADA Gurus.

The Akan proverb says that,"s3 wo kromu p3t3 di wo nam a,ebi ka", meaning, to wit,if the vulture from your hometown eats your meat,it leaves some.But unfortunately, the elites of the northern Ghana have once again demonstrated with the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority [SADA] that some merciless home-based vultures do not only finish the flesh but chew the bones as well. The President is not exempted because he is also a northerner.Fortunately or unfortunately, it was under his watch our guinea-fowls took "Ethiopian air line" to Burkina-Faso.Folks, I insists that I have a long memory.

I have a long memory so I can still recall the particular day our President was diagnosed of the deadly "dead goat syndrome" disease. It was on the 11th day of March 2015.I want to use this opportunity to remind the President that position is not possession.If the almighty "Dr.Buum" could vacate the seat if the presidency,how much more you of just yesterday?

"The park your car & pick trotro vrs the utility tariffs hikes" is very fresh in my "medulla oblongata".An insensitive government has inflated taxes at a time that crude oil on the World market has recorded the lowest for the first time in about 12years.Yet,when the occupants of the nation talk,all we hear is "park your car & pick trotro".Folks, I'm not surprise anyway, when a government is tired of power, it suddenly develops "speech diarrhoea".Mark my words,we shall truly park our cars resort to trotro come November 7th.

Comrades, I still insists that I have a long memory. I can not draw down the curtains without talking about the controversial rebranding of the metro mass transit busses where a whooping amount of 3.6million US dollars were channelled into the pockets of some "imps".This is a government that is seeking to retain power come November 7th.Hmmm...3b3 yere s3 benta no.

Like I always put it,I am 100% aware that this piece of writing may not go down well with my friends at the other side. I am also aware that it will attract negative comments but let me be very quick to add that, I am ever ready to welcome those criticisms into my protruded abdomen.

For me,I have taken an entrench position. Until the ruling government changes it's posture, Oman panin b3hunu amane wo me nsa ano paa.

Emmanuel Bombande.