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Opinions of Sunday, 10 July 2016

Columnist: Azindoo, China

I have full confidence in the Asiedu-Nketia's-led campaign team

I would like to congratulate all the National Campaign Team members on their selection to lead, strategize, direct and spearhead the November 7 General election capaigns of our dear party - The NDC.

Gratitude and appreciations to the Selection Commette, for their hard work and thoroughly political job , in selecting the best team. We appreciate your collective efforts.

The team, under the Chairmanship of Aseidu Nketia, I believe , is no doubt the best , rich and experience in mass political organization and politicking, to be able to better sell the achievements, policies and programs undertaken by NDC government to the Ghanaian electorates .

The Mahama - Amissah administration, has chalked a record- breaking successes in all sectors of our economy and thefore, needs to be retained to continue the good works for Ghanaians and for our dear country.

I , therefore , give my unallowed and unwavering support to the team. The NDC fraternity, anticipate that with this formidable team at the helm of affairs, of our party campaigns, victory for His Excellency John Dramany Mahama is a surest bet.

I would like to urge all Parliamentarians, regional and constituency executives , polling station executives , teeming party supporters, sympathizers in the NDC, to put all hands on deck , eschew any bickering and tendencies that will hinder the campagn team's efforts and support it to further the course NDC.

With unity , optimum support and coordination with the Campaign Team, one touch victory is forseable and well assured.

Comerade Aseidu Nketia, wish you all the best!.