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Opinions of Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

I wish Kan Dapaah had resigned as minister for National Security

Albert Kan Dapaah, Minister for National Security Albert Kan Dapaah, Minister for National Security

With all the technical difficulties being experienced by lately, since about a week ago, they have managed to publish a few breaking news for the consumption of the general public. Among the few general news they have managed, and strive, to publish, are those on Hon. Albert Kan Dapaa titled, “I've not resigned - Kan-Dapaah” and “Kan-Dapaah debunks resignation rumour”. They are under the web links: and respectively.

I wish he had resigned from his post because he is a complete round peg wobbling in a square hole, thus, an absolute misfit in his current post. He is a qualified accountant but not a security expert or a retired military/police officer of high ranking. He is without an iota of security expertise or knowledge to be of any usefulness to His Excellency President Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo-Addo and the NPP government. This is made evident in the secret stance he took on the incident of the police cum military assault on innocent mourners at Kumawu Bodomase during the funeral of the late Kumawu Akyempemhene Nana Okyere Krapa II’s funeral on Thursday, 16 February 2017.

He had secretly resolutely determined to have Kumawuhene Barima Tweneboa Kodua V and his sub-chiefs and some of their supporters jailed without bothering to investigate the cause, and the perpetrators, of the mayhem. The mayhem was caused by the police and the military personnel collusively dispatched to Bodomase to initiate and realise a plot to kill the genuine aspirations by Kumawuhene Barima Tweneboa Kodua V to wrestle his usurped birth-right from Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, Kumawuhemaa Nana Abenaa Serwaah Amponsah, the alleged Kumawuhene Barima Sarfo Tweneboa Kodua and their accomplices who include the Asanteman Council.

Additionally, Hon. Albert Kan Dapaa’s unfortunate treatment of the case involving the Delta Force goes to confirm his unfitness to hold his current position. His error of judgment reflected in his determination to have the Delta Force culprits jailed at which stage they had neither caused bodily harm to the person (Agyei) that they removed from his office, nor damaged any property, proves his lack of security knowhow.

If he were a security expert, competent in his post, the Delta Force’s case would not have culminated into its current state to attract national and international condemnations. Therefore, he should resign for bringing shame upon His Excellency the President, the NPP and the nation as a whole. He had better jump before he is pushed!

The President can offer him another position where he may excel very well without further or any hiccups.

If he were in any advanced country (Western world) where democracy is well understood, he would have resigned his post following the condemnations he has incurred with the likelihood of pushing a wedge through the party where members are taking sides – pro or anti Delta Force.

His so-called Friends of Kan Dapaa (FKD) should know better and advise him accordingly rather than to follow him blindly. He is not fit for his current post. He can go for another post but should be careful not to repeat his haste to get innocent people jailed without investigating the circumstances leading to the crime committed or their accusation if any, or he should not by his action cause minor issues to balloon into national disaster.

I hope he will learn a bitter lesson from his current comeuppance.