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Opinions of Saturday, 15 September 2012

Columnist: Abubakari, Seidu

ICT - John Mahama vrs Nana Akufo-Addo

Information, Communication and Technology(ICT). John Mahama vrs Nana Akufo-Addo

I am some one who is interested in ICT and would be more interested in which of the two leading Presidential hopefuls John Mahama and Akufo-Addo possesses personal knowledge in ICT. This may seem trivial but that would be what I will consider in voting for someone.

I am always delighted to see President Mahama using an Ipad to write and read his statements in public. An example was his address at the NDC Congress that elected him candidate.

On the contrary I have been reliably told Nana Akufo-Addo cannot send a text message from his phone, has no email address and has never touched a computer mouse in his life. For me that is interesting.

Every where we go now a days someone has a computer in his or her home. Computers can be found in every business establishments from Retail stores to big corporations. I cannot imagine what life will be like with out the use of computers and mechanical devices to get us through a typical day.

Even school kids are learning to use the computer for their homework and realises how interesting to explore the web seeing many things such as animals, various places of the world and can even listen to music .

Computers are fun and a great learning tool for not only for the children but for us adults too ICT and the use of a computers as a normal pattern of life.

Communication is an essential part of the human experience. However, as humanity evolves, technology is evolving with it, and impacting the way the communicative aspect of our lives functions. The effects of modern technology on how we communicate with one another are vast and varied, with both negative and positive impacts for our business a,nd personal lives.

Technology is creating possibilities for communication that never existed before. Imagine a Nana Akufo-Addo as President and attending an International conference, cannot use a computer. How embarrassing.

Modern technology is drastically altering the speed at which we communicate. An email is delivered in a matter of minutes. Text messaging allows us to send short messages to each other's phones in seconds. If Akufo-Addo lacks these skills then it is a serious matter for me.

By Seidu Abubakari

University of Ghana.