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Opinions of Sunday, 27 August 2017

Columnist: Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Ph.D.

Ibrahim Mahama must count himself lucky not being behind bars

Mr. Ibrahim Mahama, the younger brother of former President John Dramani Mahama Mr. Ibrahim Mahama, the younger brother of former President John Dramani Mahama

When the Economic and Organized Crimes Organization (EOCO) literally grabbed him by the balls, I had mixed feelings about what the real outcome of his mid-morning snagging ought to be about.

For starters, I did not expect Mr. Ibrahim Mahama, the younger brother of former President John Dramani Mahama, to be committed to the slammer or jail, because that would have provided the cheapest munition and opportunity for the members of the National Democratic Congress’ Parliamentary Minority – to be certain, a veritable bunch of unconscionable desperadoes – to cry foul and even accuse the Akufo-Addo-led government of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) of witch-hunting.

I mean, here we are with a man who criminally signed at least some two-dozen checks – the thievish proprietor of the so-called Engineers and Planners firm claims to have signed only some half-dozen checks – in payment of some mining equipment imported into the country for business, every single one of which bounced or was dishonored by his bankers.

Now, dear reader, tell me: Would you disagree with me that had his elder brother not been the extant President of Ghana, Mr. Ibrahim Mahama would not have gotten off the hook or the tentacles of the law and justice as easily as he did? And such a reprobate has the temerity to accuse the Akufo-Addo Administration of trying to wreck his businesses, because some government operatives have dared to question Mr. Ibrahim Mahama’s right to wantonly exploit and precariously degrade the forestry resources and lands surrounding the Nyinahin township, in the Atwima-Mponua district, of the Asante Region.

I shall tackle what Mr. John Peter Amewu, the Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, has had to say about this most reckless attempt by the E & P proprietor to literally lay our environment to waste, at a time when the government has been vigorously fighting against the wanton destruction of our waterbodies and forestry resources around the clock in due course (See “You Can’t Collapse My Businesses – Ibrahim Mahama Tells Government” / 8/25/17). What is even more infuriating is the claim by the alleged aide to Ibrahim, one Mr. Rafiq Mahama, that his boss has going concerns all over the West African sub-region and therefore the kibosh, or restraint, put on his so-called Exton Cubic Limited Liability Company would do little to retard or regress his business success story.

You see, the psychological problem or disorder with the Mahamas here is clearly one of clinical narcissism and solipsism. These “Gonja Boys” think the country is their backyard garden, and that the fortunes and/or destiny of Ghana, as a nation, revolves around them.

If their businesses are doing as exceptionally well in other parts of the West African sub-region, as Mr. Rafiq Mahama is claiming, then, needless to say, why are they being so scandalously unwise to waste their time and capital resources in a dastardly attempt to lay waste to the environment of a country whose very patriotic and foresighted leaders would have none of such act of immitigable criminality?