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Opinions of Thursday, 4 May 2017

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Ibrahim Mahama will soon outpace Woyome in their race to swindle Ghana

Ibrahim Mahama Ibrahim Mahama

The notorious Alfred Agbesi Woyome is on record to have been aided by some NDC gurus and/or government appointees to dupe Ghana out of GHS51.2 million. His swindling of Ghana was conspicuously facilitated by Mrs Betty Mould-Iddrisu, the then Attorney General, with Barton Odro and Alex Segbefia playing their own little collusive roles.

In the end, Alfred Agbesi Woyome, the self-styled principal financier of the NDC, a braggart of course, was unearthed to have simply hatched and executed a teamwork plan to steal money from Ghana to help himself, to help the NDC party and to help some individuals within the NDC party hence a criminal and an unmatched expert swindler in the financial history of Ghana.

When he acknowledged on Peace FM to have not signed any contract with the government of Ghana nor worked for the nation to qualify for the money he had defrauded Ghana of, we still had and have some NDC members and his tribesmen rallying support for him to intimidate people into believing that he had rightly obtained the money.

He started blowing hot and cold air about his acquisition of the money – sometimes bragging that he was rightfully entitled to the money so fraudulently acquired and at other times being a bit remorseful but threatening to expose many people should he be prosecuted without NDC doing anything to block it.

This attitude made it difficult for the NDC government to successfully prosecute him or to retrieve the money from him until today.

From the look of things and how things are unfolding with regards to Ibrahim Mahama, the younger brother of former President John Dramani Mahama, he is on track to outpace Alfred Agbesi Woyome in the race of swindlers of Ghana.

Ibrahim Mahama imported heavy duty machineries into the country without paying the requisite import duties on the items. To make matters worse in proving his evil intents and how he was abusing his powers for the fact that his brother was the President hence could commit crimes with impunity, he issued about forty-four dud cheques in payment of the goods so imported.

When a computation was made consequent upon the evidential information made available to the public and the relevant government organisations, Ibrahim Mahama owed the government in excess of GHC12 million in unpaid duties on his imported goods since year 2015. Again, he had not paid his workers their insurance contributions totalling about GHC2 million to the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT).

The price for the 30-acre land he purchased from the Tema Development Corporation (GHC10,000 per acre) to shortly sell them to a foreign Electricity Company for an alleged US$300 million for the 30-acre land and refilling of the site makes one perceive the degree and extent that Ibrahim Mahama could go to rip off Ghana.

Was he not the same person who part-contributed to the collapse of the Ghana Merchant Bank only to later buy the bank with some NDC crooks when the bank went into administration and/or bankruptcy?

I am sure many more of his committed crimes to swindle Ghana will keep coming out and in the end he may have outpaced Alfred Agbesi Woyome. This is the extent that former President Mahama, a corrupt person himself, could go to allow his cronies, family members and his party members enrich themselves illegally at the expense of the Ghanaian taxpayers.

If NDC had won Election 2016, Alfred Agbesi Woyome would never pay back the money he so fraudulently deprived Ghana of with Ibrahim Mahama on the other hand getting mired in his evil ways of duping the nation and the taxpayers of preciously needed money to carry out essential developments in the country.

I say, shame on Ibrahim Mahama, Mr alias Pepeni no. 1 and Pepeni no. 2. What a crook!

Could the British bookmakers tell me which of the mentioned two individuals here (Alfred Agbesi Woyome and Ibrahim Mahama) will win or is winning the race to have swindled Ghana most?

Ibrahim Mahama and Alfred Agbesi Woyome, on your marks, get set, prrrrrrrr go! Who is winning the race of the greatest swindler of Ghana? Let us hold our breath waiting for who reaches the finishing touchline first, thus, who emerges as having defrauded Ghana most in terms of the quantity of money that person has dubiously acquired.