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Opinions of Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

If Ghana had ten each of the following mentioned persons, the country...

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

Any successful or great country in this world was built on the sweat and blood of its people. This is an indisputable fact that any person of integrity will not dare challenge!

It is through the selfless collective efforts by the citizenry that a nation can be developed to the admiration of not only its citizens but the joy and envy of the rest of the world. Subsequently, it is just right that in this publication, I do mention a few people of whom if Ghana were to have ten of each, the country will have developed into a paradise on earth.

I shall mention them not in any order of importance or who is best, but people whose honesty, dynamism, and dedication to being of service to their country and people of whom Ghana could have greatly benefited from if they were taken seriously and accorded the chance to perform without any constraints.

1. There is this retired police Chief Superintendent called Paul Avuyi. He is such an honest God-fearing person who was dedicated to serving his country and people. Many are, or were, police officers who knew him and held him in high esteem.

The mere mention of his name could send a cold chill down the spine of many a dishonest, bribe-taking and unprofessional police officer. However, in Ghana, as corrupt as many of our leaders across the board, thus within the various institutions, are, he could not be given the needed space, time and opportunity, to serve the nation and his people to the fullest of his capabilities.

2. There is this NPP Member of Parliament called Kennedy Agyapong (Honourable) of whom there is not his co-equal in Ghana if I am not afraid to say. He has dedicated his life to serving his country and people in absolute honesty. He is not afraid to call a spade a spade, even at the threat or the expense of his life. He is fearless. He does not discriminate when telling the truth to the face of people or rendering service to humanity.

He is a philanthropist. He creates jobs for people and is ready to assist the needy all of the time to the best of his ability and capability. He has devoted his time to fighting corruption that cuts across the spectrum of politics and religion to touch every form of corruption by any individual in the country since corruption is the bane of the nation’s economic development.

3. There is this Inspector General of Police called Dr Goerge Akuffo Dampare. This gentleman knows how to serve his country to the admiration of all. He is fair, firm, and friendly. Since his appointment as the IGP, he has been fighting armed robbers and dealing so ruthlessly with law-breakers where the police have the authority to get involved.

In executing his duties, he does not allow a criminal’s wealth, high position in society or the influence one commands to frighten, or be a deterrence to, him. He deals robustly with criminals according to as the law of the land permits him. And, to him, the law is no respecter of persons.

4. There is this Chief Justice called Kwasi Anin-Yeboah. This man is also seriously dispensing the law without bias. This is my current view about him concluding from cases he has presided over since his promotion to the post of Chief Justice of Ghana. However, I want to see him introduce reforms to the delivery of justice in the country to weed out the deliberate delay of cases by lawyers and judges through incessant postponements for all corruption-inclined motives or reasons, although, not publicly disclosed.

5. His Excellency the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo. This man as an individual person is honest, visionary, disciplined, dynamic, and dedicated to the service of his country and people. He is well focused and desires to get Ghana out of the grips of the superior white masters to whom black people have remained subservient persons or lapdogs until today.

He is trying his hardest to achieve his objective through the introduction and implementation of farsighted policies and programmes tailored to weaning Ghana off her dependency on the whites for everything from toilet roll through sardine to potable water that we drink.

6. There is this guy called Rockson Adofo from Kumawu and Juaben-Asiampa. He is desirous of seeing Ghana and Ghanaians extricate themselves from their self-inflicted doom that is militating against their future survival as a country and a people. He sees the Ghanaian leadership and the citizens’ collective masterminding and orchestration of corruption and other criminal acts as throwing the country and themselves under the turning wheels of destruction and the white man’s domination.

Subsequently, he is unceasingly publishing articles expressing and sharing his views with his fellow Ghanaians amid suggestions, advice, and warnings. He hates the Ghanaian’s cowardice and inability to speak the truth but is supportive of irresponsible actions that help to create human monsters who end up devouring us through their disrespect for the laws of the land and overly lording themselves over us to commit crimes against us with impunity.

If and only if, Ghanaians did, or do, understand the few mentioned people and their actions taken in all honesty and in the interest of the wider population, they will have supported them all of the time. They don’t mean evil but good for the country and the people therein.

If Ghana had ten of the mentioned persons above, and the others I could not have time to mention or do not know them, surely, Ghana will have become a heaven on earth.

I pray to see the day when most Ghanaians will understand the mentioned people to give them the unqualified support they need to turn Ghana around for the benefit of all.

Long live the mentioned persons. Long live mother Ghana!