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Opinions of Sunday, 5 December 2021

Columnist: Joel Savage

If we fear to criticize bad leadership in Ghana, our children will suffer in the future

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People are scared to open up or to speak the truth about poor leadership in Ghana because they will become enemies in society.

They fear becoming a target of the assassination, so many have refused to criticize politicians, especially, Nana Akufo Addo in Ghana.

The political landscape changed in Ghana after the assassinations of journalist Ahmed Hussein-Suale and one J.B Danquah-Adu.

Those responsible for both murders are still at large today. The question is if everyone fears to speak against what is going wrong in Ghana, how can the country progress?

Bad leadership breeds corruption, crimes, insecurity, and economic hardships, therefore, as we know, Ghana is facing a political and economic crisis which have affected every infrastructure in the country, including, the health and educational sectors.

The future of the children is very important, yet, no one is making any effort to create a better future for them in Ghana because everyone fears criticizing the bad leadership that has affected Ghana both economically and politically.

Today, if we need to pile up the list of people the assassin's bullets have silenced for speaking the truth around the world, it will shock you but that doesn’t mean that we have to sit and watch things going from bad to worse in Ghana.

In yesterday's politics, those celebrities, heads of churches, mosques, both rich and poor people, who once stood up against John Mahama, accusing him of corruption and economic mishaps, can't be found today to criticize Nana Akufo Addo, under Ghana's worst economic doom.

Almost every Ghanaian politician before taking office swore the oath with the Bible to serve the people in truth after that They just mock the Bible by doing the opposite of what is written in the Holy book.

The result is what we are witnessing today, political unrest, violence, racism, discrimination, crimes, lack of employment, and premature deaths, as they hide behind clandestine crimes.

No one in this world can fight the truth, You may think you have won but it will always come back to stare at your face.

Therefore, for the sake of our children, we must fight against crime and discourage bad governance in Ghana by speaking against what is going wrong in the country.