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Opinions of Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Impeach President Mills on the "Woyomegate & Wilsongate" Scandals

"Impeachment is a formal process in which an official is accused of unlawful activity, the outcome of which, depending on the country, may include the removal of that official from office as well as other punishment". In some countries and Constitutions, the grounds for impeachment include culpable violation of the Constitution, bribery, graft and corruption, and betrayal of public trust.

The "Woyomegate" scandal has of late become the most common topic of discussion among the ordinary people in Ghana. One Alfred Agbesi Woyome, a self-styled financier of the NDC party has duped Ghana to the tune of GHC58 Million. He claims to have solicited funds for the building and rehabilitation of CAN 2008 stadia in Ghana on contractual request by the then NPP government. Nevertheless, the then Chief of Staff, Kwadwo Mpiani, evidentially claims not to have engaged Alfred Agbesi Woyome on any terms relating to the stadia. He mentions Waterville and other companies that signed contracts with the government in relation to sourcing funds to building and refurbishing the said CAN 2008 stadia.

Just by curiosity, from whom, where, when and how much funds did he source towards the stadia and to whom did he give that money? Much as he breathes what may be total lies, he is now saying he sued the government for a job done since 2001 but was never paid. The process of procurement for the construction of stadia for CAN 2008 started in 2005. "Bids, which were opened on 4th July, 2005 were evaluated by the Tender Committee between 12th and 22nd July, 2005 taking into consideration ?the technical proposals backed by the financial package from international financial institutions" declared HON. YAW OSAFO-MAAFO, M.P. MINISTER on 27th July, 2005. How could he have incurred costs on structures that never existed nor not yet thought of in 2001 though, the procurement process for the erection of the stadia started in July 2005?

The fact that the Attorney General, Madam Betty Mould-Iddrisu, failed to defend the nation when Alfred Agbesi Woyome, the fraudster, made that unreasonable claim against it, the liability lies squarely on her head. She went her own way to seek a bargain with Alfred, and then instructed the Finance Minister to pay him a lump sum instead of the installment payments ordered by the Court.

President Mills claims unawareness of a payment of GHC58 Million retrieved from the Consolidated Fund to an individual, Alfred Agbesi Woyome. "Consolidated Fund or the Consolidated Revenue Fund is the term used for the main bank account of the government in many of the countries in the Commonwealth of Nations" President Mills is on record to have said in justification of the payment of GH¢58 million to Mr Alfred Woyome, “if the court awarded the judgement or awarded the cost, whatever it is, it’s a way of saying that the beneficiary is entitled to it.” Should I ask a simple question to prove how hollow-minded this Law Professor is when it comes to the delivery of judgment or verdict to lawsuits? In whose favour does judgment go when the defendant prematurely throws in the towel, claiming to have no grounds to contest a lawsuit against him or her by a plaintiff? Betty Mould-Iddrisu dubiously threw in the towel but not that Alfred Agbesi Woyome was entitled to the money awarded him. It is all about a plot by the NDC to dupe Ghana. They want to enrich their financier who will in turn be all out in 2012 to finance their election campaign to the hilt. They think all Ghanaians are as intellectually deficient as they are.

President Mills as myopic as Dr. Nkrumah claims him to be is groping afar in the dark for the person responsible for the incurrence of that hefty cost of GHC58 Million to Ghana. The culpability of its incurrence lies with his former Attorney General, Betty Mould-Iddrisu. She intentionally for reasons best known to the NDC failed to contest the case but went behind the court to arrange a bargain. For failing to contact the NPP persons Alfred claimed to have worked for who are still luckily alive, but simply threw in the towel with hands raised in defeat, the entire NDC must be held culpable.

Did the Attorney General, the Finance Minister and the President not connive with Alfred Agbesi Woyome to swindle Ghana of the money? Coincidentally, Alfred is the major financier of the NDC party. Did they not just let Alfred have the money so that they could use it to build their party's National Headquarters as well as having enough money reserve for their Campaign 2012?

Should any competent body ever prove that President Mills was privy to the payment of the money to Alfred before it became public knowledge, but which he denies, then Parliament must impeach him. He will be culpable of betraying public trust in him. If we discover him to intentionally trying to refocus the mandate of the Economic and Organised Crimes Office (EOCO) to find out “who incurred the liability” instead of why the Attorney General refused to contest the claim and why Alfred duped the nation, then he is himself culpable of corruption, an impeachable offence.

For the fact that President Mills, Alex Segbefia, the Deputy Chief of Staff, Ebo Barton Oduro, the Deputy Attoney General and Akyena Brentuo, a member of the NDC Presidential Communications Team are all out defending the daylight robbery Alfred Agbesi Woyome has inflicted on Ghanaians proves they stand to benefit from the fraud either as individuals or as a group.

Carl Wilson, the former Chairman of the Confiscated Vehicles and Assets Committee (CVAC), fraudulently impounded luxury or flashy cars imported by Ghanaian individuals into the country. He claimed to be able to run his own software capable of detecting cars stolen abroad and sent to Ghana. How did he come by the unapproved or untested software that enabled him to seize many cars, shared them among the NDC and sold many? President Mills with his bunch of NDC thieves did not account for all the money that accrued from such illegal sales. What an Ali Baba with his forty thieves' scenario! President Mills, a snake under grass and a likely thief kept silence all the while that Alex Segbefia was vociferously defending Carl Wilson's wrongful seizure of cars. Instead of returning the allegedly stolen but confiscated cars to their rightful foreign owners, President Mills ensured the cars went to some selected NDC activists, some sold, and the money kept by the NDC government without proper accounting.

I dare President Mills to challenge me. I will expose him to the whole world as the most incompetent, hypocrite and silent but corrupt person in the anal of Ghana's presidency. Parliament must investigate him even though the same corrupt NDC are in the majority in Parliament. Ghana deserves better from NDC.

President Mills by his detestable actions is preparing fertile grounds to breed opportunistic soldiers to dabble in politics. The disgusting corrupt behaviour of his Ministers and the NDC gurus is comparable to the attitudes that prevailed in the Late Ex- President Hilla Limann's government that brought about the PNDC government of Former President Rawlings. Okutwere Bekoe, Krobo Edusei etc behaved same as these modern day NDC vultures under President Limann hence their applause overthrow by Rawlings.

Rockson Adofo