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Opinions of Thursday, 2 February 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Impeachment of President Mills is Imminent

Inferring from the correspondences between the office of the Attorney General and the Ministry of Finance in the wake of the judgment debt payment of a gargantuan sum of GHC58 Million to Alfred Agbesi Woyome, I call for the immediate impeachment of President John Evans Fiifi Atta Mills.

The letters from the Finance Minister, Dr Kwabena Duffour of enviable academic and managerial astuteness, no doubt indicate that President Mills was privy to the pending payment of the immensely falsified judgment debt in favour of Alfred Agbesi Woyome. Dr Kwabena Duffour copied President Mills in his correspondences to the Attorney General, Mrs Betty Mould-Iddrisu, requiring further clarification and authentication of the already-submitted documents before he could honour the payment of the apparently altered judgment debt to Alfred Agbesi Woyome.

President Mills came out to deny any knowledge about the payment of the money to Alfred Agbesi Woyome before it became public. For the fact that the Finance Minister copied the President's Office in his correspondences with the academic novice, a Team B Minister, of course the Attorney General without the requisite practical legal knowhow, Betty Mold-Iddrisu, President Mills has lied to Ghanaians. He has betrayed the public trust invested in him as the President of Ghana. This breach of public trust makes his further occupation of the presidency untenable hence, calling on Ghana Parliament to impeach him and possibly remove him from office.

Can anyone explain to me why some members of the NDC government, Akyena Brentuo (a member of the President's Communication Team at the Castle), Ebo Barton-Oduro (Deputy Attorney General) and Alex Segbefia (Deputy Chief of Staff), just to mention a few, came out boldly to defend the scandalous thievery Woyome has inflicted on Ghana? President Mills in his directives to the Economic and Organised Crimes Office (EOCO) tasked to investigate the impropriety surrounding the payment of GHC58 Million to Woyome was more interested in finding out who caused the liability rather than why and how Alfred Agbesi Woyome conned Ghana. Surprisingly enough, his own then Attorney General, Betty Mould-Iddrisu, instead of going to Court to defend Ghana against Woyome's dubious claims on Ghana, she simply threw in the towel. She said it was a bad case to defend, thereby giving Woyome an automatic favourable verdict.

Woyome has co-incidentally turned out to be the major financier of the NDC party. He has said on air to a question posed to him by Kwame Sefa Kayi on his flagship morning show, "Kookrokoo", that he had personally not signed any contract with the government pertaining to rehabilitating the CAN 2008 stadia. Has President Mills with the entirety of the NDC not connived to enrich Woyome to enable him finance their 2012 re-election campaign? Do we not establish a conflict of interest here, seeing the NDC ruthlessly defending Woyome while unfolding evidence confirms that he has purely defrauded Ghana of GHC58 Million?

In the event of EOCO or any competent Court of law finding Woyome guilty of having swindled Ghana, which I believe he has, then Ghanaians must charge President Mills with aiding and abetting gargantuan crime (corruption). He is guilty for initially trying to pervert the course of justice, deducing from his instructions to the EOCO.

The NDC government claim to have paid over GHC600 Million in judgment debt to certain Companies and individuals since they came to power in 2008/2009. They assert that former President Kufuor's NPP administration incurred the debts. Could they please publish the full list of the beneficiaries specifying how much the government has paid out to each? When the information leaked to the media, some of the supposed claimants have come on air to deny ever receiving any such payments. NDC are neck deep in corruption. They cannot extricate themselves from corruption that has become part of their very body tissue.

President Mills is presiding over the worst corrupt government in the annals of Ghana's socio-politico-economic emancipation.

I call on parliament to do itself an honour by impeaching President Atta Wayo without fail. They should bury their partisan interests to live up to the expectation of the duties for which Ghanaians voted them to parliament.

Who at all advises President Mills? Are they also among the greedy bastards former President Rawlings claims are within the President Mills' NDC government?

For all I know is President Mills must be impeached.

Rockson Adofo