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Opinions of Wednesday, 15 December 2021

Columnist: Joseph Kingsley Eyiah

Implementation of early childhood development in Ghana is very crucial to the foundation of education in the country

The early years of the child’s education are very important The early years of the child’s education are very important

It has been estimated that globally, 43 percent of children less than five years old are not achieving their full potential. This could be because they do not receive the five elements of ‘nurturing care’ for children.

Couldn’t rejoice more at the recent news of the Ministry of Education, the Ghana Education Service (GES), and UNICEF developing a new policy for early childhood education in Ghana!

The new policy is intended to ensure the holistic development of children aged between 4 years and 5 years which is critical to the good educational foundation for children in Ghanaian. As an educationist, I commend the Ministry of Education in Ghana and the GES for embarking on this journey. Such an awesome policy is ready to go. The implementation of it is as crucial as the success of. All hands must be on deck.

This step taken by Ghana could not be overemphasized. Ghana needs to bring theory and practice together to improve the very foundation of formal education in the country.

In some countries around the world such as Canada where I now practice my profession as a classroom teacher as well as community consultant on education matters due attention is given to early childhood education. Kindergarten classrooms are well-equipped learning and teaching materials appropriate to students at that level. Also, well-trained and qualified teachers are put in those classrooms.

The GES must give devoted attention to a vigorous Early Childhood Education program in the country which includes the following:

Design healthy, safe, inclusive, and engaging environments for children from infancy to school age.

Plan and implement inclusive programming to support children’s development using current theories.

Build positive relationships with children, families, colleagues, and other professionals.

Some of us outside Ghana are always willing and prepared to support this initiative whenever we are called upon to do so.

Let’s build a strong foundation for our children’s education in Ghana. The early years of the child’s education are very important to GCAO’s Homework Club in the Toronto Ghanaian community