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Opinions of Thursday, 4 April 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

In an Attempt to Play Smart, Dr. Afari Gyan ends up

...Proving himself a Big Fool

The "no nonsense" man from Kumawu/Asiampa is now on the case of the Chairman of the Electoral Commission, Dr. Kwadwo Afari Gyan. Much as I try not to rain insults on Dr. Afari Gyan and his bunch of shameless NDC crooks, they always commit heinous acts that call for taking them to the cleaners.

? I will strongly advise Dr. Kwadwo Afari Gyan to either shave his head clean of the grey hair he has, or, dye it any colour apart from black or white. "Grey hair is a repository of wisdom much as an old age is an indication of wisdom", so the wise man says. However, Dr. Afari Gyan is not exhibiting any traits of wisdom even though, he has grey/silver hair on his head, and he is well over seventy-five years old. He is a disgrace to his fellow grey-haired Ghanaians, and also, to old people.

? Going by the proverbs quoted above, Dr. Kwadwo Afari Gyan has continually by his dubious actions in which he purports to be intelligent, insulted me as someone having grey hair on my head hence, my advice to him as stated above. It is by experiential knowledge acquired with the passage of time as one grows older, that makes the adage about old age being an indication of wisdom more credible. However, Dr. Kwadwo Afari Gyan by his trickeries is trying to prove the wise man wrong about the axiom.

? Let me get straight to the point as there is no time on my side going in circles beating the side of the drum instead of hitting the nail right in the head. You all know how Dr. Kwadwo Afari Gyan has thrown the country into near-turmoil by his dishonest quest for a particular political party (NDC), although roguish and corrupt as it is, to win election 2012 to continue to deplete the coffers of the nation. He is rumoured to have accepted an unprecedented gargantuan bribe from the NDC party and then rigged the presidential election 2012 for their presidential candidate, John Dramani Mahama.

? He pertinaciously created forty-five new constituencies when there was no need for that. He snubbed anyone who offered him contrary advice to his determined resolution. He refused the Ghana media personnel "special voting rights" during election 2012 despite their insistent appeals to him to rescind his decision. What he did in election 2012 to the Media personnel was out of the ordinary. He declared John Mahama the President-elect amid protestations by the NPP camp to withhold the announcement of John Mahama as the winner of the election until he had investigated electoral fraud, thus, a rigging effected to favour John Dramani Mahama.

? Why am I still beating about the bush instead of going straight to the point? Ok, here we go. I have read Dr. Afari Gyan's published criticism of the petition lodged with the Supreme Court against him over his rigging of election 2012 in favour of John Dramani Mahama. It was on on Tuesday 2 April 2013 under the title, "EC fights Akufo-Addo over pink sheets". I find the argument put forward by Dr Afari Gyan very nauseating, silly and insulting to the intelligence of any wise or discerning Ghanaian. I beg to reproduce the entirety of paragraph five of the latest views by Afari Gyan as submitted to the Supreme Court and as published on Ghanaweb. He says, "It should be noted that when several pages of papers impregnated without a carbon are used in order to have several copies of each page, it could happen that if the person signing or writing thereon does not press hard enough on the paper, the signature or writing could appear faint or illegible on some of the pages."

? Who does Afari Gyan think he is, a fool or a wise person? Who does Afari Gyan take other Ghanaians who do not belong in NDC for, fools or wise persons? I know the NDC are fully supportive of him no matter how irresponsible he appears, or his views are, because he is always on their side working assiduously to ensure the NDC attain their cause no matter how dubious it may be hence, the NDC's unflinching support for him.

? Is Afari Gyan not underrating our intelligence by the statement above among many others? I wonder how he obtained his PhD and which University awarded it to him and on what grounds. He does not sound intelligent to me at all. Or, corruption and crazy infatuation for the NDC has eaten up all his brains? I am working out to find what has actually happened to this man and what he takes Ghanaians for.

? Does he think the wise one from Kumawu/Asiampa is as stupid as he is or as he thinks? Were some people not caught red-handed in Savelugu in the Northern region arranging to get some people to sign some then unsigned pink sheets used during election 2012? Were those caught not operatives or assigns of the Electoral Commission? Were they not doing that under instructions by someone higher within the NDC or the Electoral Commission?

? Why at all should I waste time on this old midget who the love of corruption has compelled him to outlive his intelligence and usefulness as the Chair of the Electoral Commission? He thinks by secretly arranging people to sign the first sheet or the first two or three sheets of the pink sheets of almost all the polling stations Nana Akufo Addo, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia and Jake Otanka Obetsebi-Lamptey have complained about gives him the licence and credibility to explain the complaint away that lightly. Who does not know, or never heard that the Electoral Commission, the NDC and John Mahama were engaged in nefarious activities to have the pink sheets signed or tampered with?

? Dr. Afari Gyan in the end is proven by the wise one from Kumawu/Asiampa not to be as intelligent and wise as he thinks he is. He asked for better details and further particulars from the Petitioners (Nana Akufo Addo & Co) on the polling stations where alleged electoral malpractices, irregularities and fraud took place. Once given some, he set about committing further crimes, getting people to sign then unsigned pink sheets, stealing pink sheets from NPP Constituency office in the Ashanti region, etc.

? Let me abandon Dr. Afari Gyan and leave him to the Supreme Court to decide his fate. He will be held responsible for causing economic stagnation in Ghana, needless hardships and death to some people, robbing Ghanaians of their vote and causing financial loss to the state.

? Afari Gyan should note that there are many wiser people than him living inside and outside Ghana that are monitoring him and critically analysing the situation as it unfolds. He had better be careful as I have White Legal Brains who are interestingly following the case and passing their comments.

? I am assuring both the NPP faithful and all discerning Ghanaians to have faith in God and the Supreme Court. As God has revealed through KOFI BASOAH of Asante-Juaben, a woman in Kumawu and one other person I know of, all among the numerous others that have had dreams and prophesies and revelations, NANA AKUFO ADDO will win the Supreme Court case. God does not lie as Afari Gyan and human beings do. God reveals to redeem so do exactly as He instructed Kofi Basoah to tell you, be RESOLUTE in your fight for justice and VICTORY shall be yours, Oh, the true noble sons and daughters of GHANA.

? I normally don't suffer fools kindly but today I have spared Kwadwo Afari Gyan the rod although, an adage goes," Spare the rod and spoil the child"

? Rockson Adofo
