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Opinions of Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Columnist: Gustav Kplom Asamoah

In honor of Togbe Adzie Lakle Howusu XII: Be an angel

Togbe Adzie Lakle Howusu XII shaking hands with Gustav Kplom Asamoah Togbe Adzie Lakle Howusu XII shaking hands with Gustav Kplom Asamoah

Life experiences are shared for others to be inspired, motivated and encouraged; not for them to be envious or jealous. Every happening in life is well orchestrated to fulfill a purpose. This I have come to believe. Things don’t just happen.

I have also come to believe that there exist angels and they appear in various forms and under various circumstances. Some appear in the form of human or object or animal or even as situations.

Many people may have come across their angels but never knew it. There are many who have come in contact with an angel in an instant and taken them out of situations to their surprise.
Some angels appear once and they cannot be seen or traced again; not even an opportunity to call to say thank you… So those who are able to trace their angels at the latter stages in their lives are very fortunate.

In 1995, I came in contact with my angel. I was in my final year in the “B” Quarters “B” Anglican Junior Secondary School (JSS), now Junior High School (JHS) and needed to clear my bills to register for Basic Education Certificate Examination…

Times were just hard....
House was just not good...
Final exams approaching...
Man had to do all man could do to survive...

All I could do was just keep believing God... Then one Saturday afternoon, as I was walking about aimlessly whiles still trusting God for a miracle, I entered a drinking spot around Parks and Gardens in Ho and sat on one of those bamboo benches, talking to myself...

Seated at a distance across from me was a middle-aged man. He was alone by his table taking a drink.

He waved me over as I stared at him for a while. I quickly went over; he offered me a seat beside him which I took; then he bought me a drink. He engaged me in a conversation which led to me narrating my ordeal to him. He then directed me to his house in Ho - Dome and asked that I pay him a visit.

I visited him in his house the following week without any expectations. Words are not enough to express my shock when this man whom I have never seen or known gave me a substantial sum of money for my bills. Wow!! I was so much amazed that I couldn’t wait to tell my Dad what had happened. The money was used to clear most part of my school bills before I later got support from my uncle to clear the rest. That paved the way for me to write my BECE, which I passed with flying colours.

For 24 years I have been searching, asking and praying to God for a chance to meet the man who made it possible for me to hold on to faith.

Interestingly, I did not even remember his name or where he currently lived... but my perseverance in trying to locate him lead to one thing after the other...and Lo and behold, on Wednesday, 21st August, 2019, God answered my prayer and made it possible for me to meet the angel he sent my way at that critical and defining moment in my life.

Though 24 years older, very little has changed about him and he is still looking young, healthy and strong by the Grace of God..
“Unfortunately, he didn’t remember what he had done for me 24 years ago but was however glad that I found time to show him gratitude.
I am therefore one of the fortunate few who have met their angels again later on in life and had the opportunity to thank them.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to you the man who was so kind to me and offered me assistance which I did not ask for; though I was terribly in need; Togbe Adzie Lakle Howusu XII, the Warlord of Asogli and Chief of Ho Dome.

I know there are many such angels around who continue to touch lives. If yours is still alive deem it a blessing and may the good Lord make it possible for you to locate and celebrate them.

Ladies and gentlemen, help me celebrate my angel, Togbe Howusu XII. May the good Lord continue to bless you and make you strong. May you continue to be a blessing even as those you have blessed replicate your benevolence...
Thank you so very much!! To you reading this piece, may you be a blessing to others...