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Opinions of Sunday, 18 October 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

In spite of all the Evidence to the Contrary, “Ashanti Nana” is….

It has dawned that many a reasonable Ghanaian has aversion to judicial corruption, the bane of Ghana's prosperity. In the wake of the public viewing of Anas Aremeyaw Anas' video on judges caught red-handed accepting bribes of all sorts to twist the truth in favour of the otherwise guilty parties but who rather happened to be the highest bidders, there is currently a stigma to being identified as a corrupt judge.

A corrupt judge is not only the one who overtly or covertly accepts bribes, but also, the one who despite the availability and provision of overwhelming credible evidence, still decides to throw away the evidence and facts but to decide the case in a prejudicial manner to favour the normally would-be guilty party.

When a judge allows anyone to influence them by the sheer status of such an influencer, to decide a case in their favour without due regard to the evidence and facts submitted vis-à-vis the applicable laws of the land, then that judge is equally guilty of corruption.

In spite of all the incriminating credible evidence captured on video and mysteriously posted on YouTube portal under the title, "Asantehene involves in corruption", "Ashanti Nana" is still adamant that he can by virtue of his position and prodding, get some judges to bend the rules to favour him and his cronies.

Despite the availability of a video recorded evidence to the contrary, he is again captured on another video posted on YouTube under the title, "Is there any one man bigger...", bragging that there is no court in Ghana that is capable of reversing his decisions taken adjudicating on chieftaincy disputes. On this note, he is assiduously working some judges to decide the Kumawu chieftaincy case in his favour despite the submitted gargantuan credible evidence to the contrary.

Unless a judge does not give a hoot about their reputation, I cannot envisage the situation where any judges who worth their salt will do as "Ashanti Nana" aspires to achieve; twist the truth in his favour for the stupid reason that truthfully pronouncing judgment according to the evidence and facts available to the court will drown him in shame throughout the entire country. Why should he foolishly involve himself in activities that have the potential to tarnish his image and that of the Golden Stool in the first place? Is it not said, "If you cannot do the time don't commit the crime?" He must face the consequences of his criminal actions.

The more he tries to influence the judges to decide the ongoing Kumawu case in favour of his accomplices (Kumawuhemaa Abena Serwaah Amponsah, Dr Yaw Sarfo and the Asanteman Council); with intent to dupe Kumawuman, the more I shall expose him. He had better bear in mind that almost gone are the days when judges would take bribes to decide a case in ones favour thanks to Anas' investigative prowess.

Yes, God is very much aware of how "Ashanti Nana" has been going about manipulating some judges saying he will be disgraced beyond redemption should the judgment of the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute go against him.

What is he saying? Does he want the entire majority of Kumawuman citizens to suffer in a bid to safe himself from shame? He must be kidding! As long as God Almighty is using me as his vessel to declare the truth to the people, he must be in for a long haul, suffering not abuses but shameful revelations about his disgusting behaviours.

God has revealed to me Ashanti Nana's plans about the Kumawu case pending in..... Is that the reason why he has connived with other powers-that-be to get the judge who had vowed to tell nothing but the truth, removed and additionally charged with corruption? No matter what he does, the Kumawu case will become to him like the fate of a certain northerner who in the immediate hours preceding his death said, "Me we w3, we w3, nnanso 3w3 yei de 3de me bek3". This northerner cooked a snake forgetting to properly remove its poisonous bile. When he ate it, he started feeling unwell and said, I always eat snakes but this particular snake will take me into the grave. Truly as said, he died a few hours after his declaration.

Ashanti Nana might have committed various crimes and got away with them but this particular Kumawu case will be the last straw to break his back. Inshah Allah!

Rockson Adofo