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Opinions of Monday, 6 November 2017

Columnist: Ebenezee Okine

In the wake of Mahama's goof: Breakfast with Aunty Valerie

Former President John Dramani Mahama Former President John Dramani Mahama

A slice of bread, a can of baked beans, fried or parboiled eggs and a warm cup of coffee would be okay for breakfast. Haha, Aunty Valerie did you not hear me? Why that surprised face? Well, that's the kind of breakfast I envisage having this morning. Of course you can't fault me. But hey I understand your indignation, you are worried uncle John did your work and are wondering if you are going to get your next months salary. Come on, cheer up. It's nothing it's just this once and won't happen again.

Take a deep breath, slowly, slowly and relax. It was just a one time goof. It won't happen again. Now please get me my breakfast. Wait a minute, Aunty Valerie, are you still fixated over Uncle John's comments? I said its nothing he would survive the hullabaloo. Trust me, his comments would die a natural death. After all some Ghanaians have a short memory. Other than that, 44.4% of our voting population would not have considered him fit to rule the nation.

Listen, Aunty, they forgot all about Elvis, Stan Dogbe, Ameri, and the Woyome gate scandal and Usain Bolted with him. Trust me, we won't remember for long. Just like we have forgotten that ungrateful Ashanti's comment. We are in Ghana so relax his comment would die off.

Aunty Valerie, listen I understand your pain. You are to be the only one to make a joke of yourself but uncle John has now taken your sport. But please forgive him and let it go. He was only telling you that not any one person alone in the NDC has prerogative over propaganda and or selective amnesia. I mean he carefully chose to forget his own weakness in dealing with his appointees but is quick to judge Nana Addo. Just like you forgot to maintain his household well but allowed indiscipline to run wild. Finding your voice only when in opposition. Anyway, relax little Farida would talk to Daddy and let him apologize to you. Get over your pain and please fix me my breakfast. Add a little rum to my coffee.

I watch as Aunty Valerie snorts in a most undignified way and goes to fix my breakfast at the counter.

Me: By the way, Ayisi is not resigning. It's a pity Uncle John wants him resigning. We are not equalizing. After all what's wrong with giving assurances in the political arena? Talking about resigning, I think Koku Anyidohu needs that advice. Himself and Hon. Show Me Your Pants.

Aunty Valerie: Your breakfast is ready now leave my kitchen.

Me: nice aroma. Is this coffee it from Brazil? I trust Elvis brought them.

Hihi. I am out.