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Opinions of Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Columnist: James Klutse Avedzi

Inauguration of French President Macron: Any lessons to learn for Ghana?

French President, Emmanuel Macron with his wife French President, Emmanuel Macron with his wife

I watched the inauguration of Emmanuel Macron on BBC. It was a very simple program which lasted for about one and half or at most two hours.

President elect Emmanuel Macron arrived in a very similar 4x4 vehicle of a size similar to Hyundai i35 at the Presidential Palace where the out-going President Hollande was waiting to receive him.

They both walked upstairs for a close door meeting which lasted for 45 minutes after which they came down for the new president to see the former president off. The vehicle that brought the new president was used to take the former president away.

The new president was then presented with the Legion (symbol of authority) after which he signed a book and then went straight to give his address which also lasted for about 10 minutes.

The total number of people gathered and were all standing at the inner perimeter of the Palace would number about 500 people including Journalists who were also there to cover the program.

Even though I do not know whatever cost that would have been incurred, my costing of what I saw today may not exceed $50,000.00. France is the 5th richest country in the world yet the inauguration of president elect was so simple.

Unnecessary costs have been saved and I am wondering if Ghana cannot adopt a moderate way of inauguration of our future president elects in order to avoid unnecessary costs that currently characterized inauguration of our presidents.

Just thinking aloud.

James Klutse Avedzi
Deputy Minority Leader.